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Everything posted by Machevh

  1. I'd be very curious to see ... As someone said here: difficult is beautiful
  2. You always have to leave something pending... You never know... For a possible return
  3. Maybe she is but she doesn't want to show off. Surely under that haughty exterior there is something more than what we are seeing
  4. and after sex, a good plate of ragù pasta with your sweetheart and some friends ... what more could you want from life?
  5. Am I the only one who likes Sera? I'd be curious to see her in a context like the villa together with some wild girls, with a dominant position .. like Loraine. Does anyone remember what happened during her first stay? why was she transferred from B4 to B1 so quickly?
  6. Yes, at the moment the casts of B2 and B5 are working quite well, they should just try to get them moving a little more often with some parties.
  7. generally, boys who become close friends with girls, they are
  8. of course! but it's an urban legend that this works. it really just serves to instantly get you back drunk.
  9. WTF! Lilith has just arrived in the kitchen and she's having breakfast with a beer? she offered some to Taylor who declined…she is a temptress!
  10. What I wrote is what I heard. T said it's not his ideal job but it's still a good job and she intends to go back there. But who knows? Maybe RLC will make them a good offer in the meantime. Certainly K likes the luxury of the villa, and seems to have activities outside of Barcelona, while T doesn't, and I don't think she wants to be a professional "camgirl".
  11. I don't think we'll see, Anya likes T&T so she'll keep this "friendship" with their limits.
  12. there will be this vacation that they will take together, they will be able to "test" their story outside of the game. then they will split. T won't stay in Italy for long, it seems she will return abroad to resume the job she had before arriving here. it is not known how long K will have to stay in Russia. When will she be able to get out, will reach T and will there be a happy ending? it seems that T hope for this, but we will probably never know
  13. ahh .. so are you a lover of adult club shows? dirty boy!
  14. in fact she didn't quite describe it as unbelievable... it seems both she and lilith were quite shocked at how far she went on
  15. Was she waiting for nothing more than a chance to get his little revenge? To prove that she can have all the girls too if she wants to? The drama continues… but it will be for just one more day
  16. the game was immediately stopped with Timur asking Teresa to put on panties
  17. Rani is resurrected. Now back with the group. Kim instead still collapsed in her bed.
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