Looks like Dizi and Phil could happen tonight. Dizi is completely naked and trying to get Phil to take his underwear off. Both have went in to bedroom for a dance and maybe something more
So I guess we can all see what's coming. Phil gets taken over to Tver but it will just ended with them sleeping in the same bed and Ivor with have sex with Anna.
Same old story.
Can someone tell the new guy to stop trying and just go to bed.
I thought i would be excited to she Yasia start to be more envolved but this has ruined it for me. I wanted to see her progress doing things and then finally having sex so that it could build up some anticipation. Well Anna does interest me more so guess i'll go back to see what kind of things she will do over the next few weeks.
So has he fucked her yet? Turned off earlier when they resorted to having Petra play with herself where Yasia can see so she would get horny. Did nothing for me, just curious if she gave in to Ivorian even though i don't get the impression she is interested in him.
I agree that someone needs to keep an eye on Tanya and Anna seems like someone willing to do that kind of thing. But its strange that she and not Dizi is the one doing so while Phil gets invited to Tyver. Looks like Annas taking care of a drunk Phil now. Strange how quickly they seem to go from tipsy to legless when drinking.
Both Dizi and Petra are dancing for him. For a guy that a week or so ago who couldn't get any of the girls attention he is doing well fo himself. Still wish he could put his phone away and just enjoy it.
Anna likes Phil and they seem to get along very well so i don't think she will be tempted by Ivoryan.
Tanya is a mess of a person just now and needs to get out the place before she has a major breakdown