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Everything posted by bayleebr

  1. Brainfart moment, I meant RLC... And deprive us of a few Ken solo sessions? No thanks. Hopefully whe she returns they will have some equally hot friends over.
  2. Nice to see another male participant who isn't scared to jerk off on camera, especially when it's one of the most handsome guys on VHTV. Wimps like Lion, Dima, Bogdan etc. that hide in the toilet to do it, take note!
  3. You forgot to add Lucas hiding in the toilet away from the cameras to play with his dick. So inscure and lacking confidence. Bringing back these two clowns is really going to make me rejoin this sorry site.
  4. It's Camacraps, what do you expect? People masturbate in blind spots, barely have sex, intentionally cut the camera feeds and now, the operators are lying and the site always has at least three apartments where the residents are "out of town".. Yeah, more like your shitty site doesn't have the subscribers to bring in enough money to be able to stream every apartment simultaneously so you have rotate apartments in and out.
  5. They need to retire some of these long term, boring couples and replace them with these hot, new, young participants. Would make me subscribe to RLC more often for sure.
  6. Dull couple and he was such a slob. Camacraps is a fitting place for them to relocate too.
  7. Yep, a couple of couch potatoes is all they are. Like most of the couples on RLC, their rare sex sessions are equally dull. I stopped checking on them within a few days of joining.
  8. Oh, i'm well aware there are better alternatives for my money than using it to join this dump of a site, such a toilet paper for example. Thanks for the inspiring words though my german friend 👍
  9. They banned me from the VHTV forums for calling Sawyer Sewer lol Ensured me never subscribing to that turd of a site ever again.
  10. Nothing of value will be lost if they don't come back. Extremely boring couple.
  11. Grisha is a bit too Freddy Mercury in the face for me but I do like his body and dick so this was nice to see. Meanwhile, Anthony next door remains a corpse and Bogdan continues to coat the toilet bowl in his cum, neat.
  12. I'm gay dude, all the damn females on this site look like they are clones of the same woman just with a chromosome or two altered to me, so I don't know who that is. But if this Esmi woman is a sack of potatoes as well, she should jump onto the bus to Nowheresville along with Anthony and never return.
  13. How long ago was that and you think that should justify him lazying about and providing zero entertainment value the other 99% of the time? Seriously, if you're not having sex regularly, you should at least be masturbating out in the open for the cameras to see. And i'm not just saying this because i'm a gay guy frustrated with how the guys on RLC act, female participants who aren't having sex should also be performing self love for the straight guys watching. No idea why these cretins join RLC when they're averse to providing the sort of viewing people expect. If guys specifically, are going to hide in the toilets to masturbate, RLC needs to stick cameras in there. Give Anthony, Bogdan and Lion the fucking fright of their lives. I join RLC for a month and then leave for long stretches of time. Nothing I see makes me feel like having a recurring subscription, it's just me returning every so often only to be disappointed. Every. Single. Time.
  14. Anthony is fucking useless and should be booted from RLC. Other guys who stayed in B7 solo realised they had do something for the viewers, Tim, Samson, Grisha have all at least jerked off on camera but Anthony? Just eats and sleeps and does nothing else, total waste of space imo.
  15. Dang I missed it, hopefully he gets the urge again soon. Criminally low amount of male solo action on RLC.
  16. Damn, nice thick dick and a yuge cumshot. Very nice, thanks for the heads up!
  17. Not a real apartment where a couple live. Just a place for the girl to visit for a few hours every evening to play with her vagina a bit. Totaaly trash.
  18. He's attractive but boring cammers apartment so big skip.
  19. To hear this when I think Camarads can't get any possbly worse lol
  20. Not my thing to watch watch a granny cam while grandad is out, down the pub with his mates.
  21. Always been a trash apartment, hide to do anything sexual, epitomise why Camarads is such a crap site.
  22. All I see is Tasha bating, Dasha bating. Call me when it's Sasha bating...
  23. Two questions, is he hot? Does he jerk off? As a gay guy, RLC is terrible to watch as 90% of the guys hide to jerk off and just have sex so it gets boring very quickly. I need some variety and Samson and Tim provided that in spades. They had a varied sex life, I hope Grisha and Anthony follow in their footsteps. We don't need more Bogdans and Lions that fiddle with themselves on the bog.
  24. Being compared to Camarads is an insult to RLC. Camarads have apartments that are empty most of the time and when people do appear, they do nothing sexual (Elise and Nolan, Ina and Adam, Monica). Dumb bints who disconnect the cam whenever they have sex (Mia and Ava). Girls who just sit there like a beached whale for views (Em and Lia). A bunch of tired old couples (Victor and (nu)Maya, Riley and Dave, Zac and Vanessa). And finally new couple which is as boring as stale as the older ones (Ela and Tom). This site is a shitshow and it needs to die a quick death to save people money.
  25. The girl who lives here always disconnects the cameras when her and her oaf of a boyfriend have sex. You see nothing except another view of her cam shows. Camarads is truly an abysmal site.
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