Was Watching from Kitchen Cam.. Seemed like M and S were getting coats on, They were in the Bedroom, (could see open door from kitchen) all ready to leave they shut the light and disappeared. It's like they went out the back window. It has been five minutes since they have had coats on , complete with backpack and still have not come out of bedroom. Bizarre
I stand corrected then..The bald guy was there last night Sam was not, Bad dude fucked the skinny chick last night according to photos. thanks for clarifying ..I am less creeped out lol
Dont know names..but eva was there with only Bald guy yesterday, This new dude is like making love to her. I have had swinger experiences and getting mushy without another's girl is fucked up in my book. should be just a physical thing. They keep glancing over to the bald guy as well, He is kinda creepy