Hehe..no one got good viewing it this hairy dude..the female cc users deserve to see nice men's just like we see nice girls..basically anyone deserve an thing like him.
All this..the barca1 girls not being at their apartment..the dude..makes me think the views in barca2 must been bad bad..the barca1 girls left last night/morning..the place and are still in this house..and seem to stay even more..basically right only barca2 it's "working"..
You not loosing anything special dana..In this case not watching it it's an big sucess hehe..it's just nonsense and not nice to see..even in small previews it's horrible..and for sure don't gona pass to full screen and give views to this.
My god!Only looking to the small previews images..the dude it's just disgusting..so much hairy in every dam place..less in top of head..now he is putting some maid shorts..well good luck to the people that going to watch this nonsense theatre.
Hehe..and think we cleaned with the toals in it..iukkk..those things need to be disinfected..Howe had beautiful girls showering..now we have this hairy dude..
MASH isn't that troop comedy?I grew up with A team and knight rider..cheers..well everyone of this seem more fun than the zero level sitcom we watched westerday.
You're right,but remember Fidel?Its lots of complains Probrably rlc will act..think Probrably Fidel was no wish to be in an motel..he and Vika would stay in apartment a lot more for sure.
Indeed agree,but only one small hairy problem in rlc plan..the dude..barca2 will not have more views with this dude in it..myself don't gona watch almost nothing till he leaves..Probrably more users also don't like him there..so no win for rlc at all.
Hope rlc acts the same way as it did with vika and Fidel..the dude only should be max one night or something..now there is no barca1 and 2..most of the girls are in another apartment that are not their own in rlc..the house 1 says..polya..Stella..Anna and bell..but they aren't in it..what an trainwrek..after all this my opinion that shouldn't be two barca girls apartments so near mantains..at least put one girl house in barca and other in Madrid or something(if they want it in Spain).
Well I was in the forum in all talk and at least more than half posts were more or less like the ones you agreeded were right.But it's your opinion so it's as respectable as my one.
Remember Fidel and all the complains about him?This dude it's just an unliked as Fidel..there is nothing good having the dude in barca houses..all there is all bad having him in them..we had beautiful girls nude or topless a lot..now we have topless little airy dude..and girls always covered..only loses..no wins.
Finally!?Didnt you read some of post myself and other people saying basically the same think as him said!?Or we only said fantasy as you said...well maybe you only read an couple posts..so you saying this make sense..
Buff..barca1 livingroom looks an pig barn..doesn't any of the residents had the minimal decency of clean it!?Or it's only strange parties and no duties..gess party girl it's leaving for party and the thing goes MTN..but hey the last night was "fantastic" so it's deserved..lol..ps..there's an fu€&& butterflie or something flying around the livingroom..my opinion..Lola..polya and even some more of this barca residents..time to leave rlc!After Irma and llona we got this things..
Party Girl it's preparing for the night out..probrably she it's doing two months in rlc..hope that's the time she got..party girl go part for other place!
But most of the time they were separated in bed..now the dude it's cuddling with Anna,the girls are all covered..the dude it's shirtless..makes no sense.
Most Probrably yes..but it's an outside fuck friend..in the aprtment they won't even kiss..and in bed even less happens..wish I could see any advantage or good thing for the dude being in rlc house..but I see none.
When we thought this apartment couldn't get more boring or dead..boom..an small beard dude,that vanish when her girl shower appears and turns the house into an zero..Probrably he gona sleep again in the house..they gona sleep in same bed but separate a little and we don't gona see the lovely boobs of Rebecca and Megan..because the dude it's there..he is not an Fidel..but.not very far from him..just horrible.
Nobody change so quick in few hours clibebb..in the months they were in rlc they always hided now it's gone MTN for hours and hours..and boom..plain sight sex..etc..in my opinion it's obvious they weren't act like this(Probrably never) if they weren't warnet..gess they money,free apartment etc talked more hight than their plan of basically do nothing on cams..another small win to all rlc users..couples hiding sucks.Regard d&d they do the same..the diference..they are mega protect by rlc..if not they would be gone long time ago.