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Everything posted by ze81

  1. Buff..if vicka its planning something only can be something super bored.Just after she Did all the recent stuff i totaly lost interest in seing her,Well just knowing that she have sex with fidel..just iukkk.somethings definitly its better we dont know...but thats just my opinion.
  2. Hehe Indeed Harley and bet lots more would subscribe just to see the both togheter again,Irma and Anna had Nice chemistry and with Irma never a boring moment.Rlc should make it happened,they Did it with k&k so its possible,man how great would be to see this girls walking arround the house:).
  3. Can you guys imagine this apartment withouth Elisa!?If she goes soon this apartment totaly dies,one great resident vs two very poor ones.one of the girls its never in house and if it is lot of time its on hidding games,other girl basicaly its on bed eating and making exercises on bedroom.Only Elisa gives some live and surprise feeling to this apatment.Hope in two months the girls will be great again,an HUGE step for that it would be brigging Irma back..then an miss named Anna to join her..and then can join them an fresh face.
  4. I opened it and watched it with my ipad and no problems,but to be fair i dont know if iPad was an anti vírus or not..hope it does lol
  5. Hi,dont know if welps but i opened the video and watched in my ipad and no problems for me at least.
  6. Ufff kenny that sounds terrible,gona be my first summer on rlc,think i must prepare for lots of dead moments,but more or less its an normal thing..its gona be summer so its understable,hope the people that stay taking care of the apartments will give us some Nice moments.
  7. Totaly jayp.Think the most important its that we dont get super focus or mega protect about one girl.Things she does are seing by all rlc members..if i say i would prefer another girl,an more adequated to an project likes this its just my opinion and based on What i see.whats real about an girl going hidding for dressing just like she Did an couple hours Ago..she knew were she would be..in rlc..and in fact she knows all the tricks to fool the cams etc..the way she hides remindes me the guests..even some guest dont act as much as that..i say What i think and see so if anyone want shoot me go ahead..i keep my reason and totaly fine with that.
  8. AGAIN i say my biggest complain about Rita its the HIDDING..she hides to shower,she hides to get dress.Again i say i dont like that on rlc.I prefer other girls like Irma and Elisa and i elogiate them a lot.The same way i dont like Rita participation on rlc so i complain.Why wouldnt i do dat!?I paid for rlc i paid for cc im an person with my own opinions and tastes.I just dont treat bad other persons for not having the sames likings as me,i love dasha..wanta say something bad of yet(that have real base)feel 100% free,i will respect it,i will not like to ear it..but i will respect.
  9. Hi,were Did i said i want to see Rita pussy?I said(and its true and happens time afther time) that she not a good fit for the house,because she always hidding and Out.She knows exactly were to be dress and undress withouth showing nothing and she does it time afther time,she Thakes her baths almost like Fidel with back to cam.Sorry for this words mike im just being honest.Im an paid rlc member think youre also and there lots more and we all can have our own opinions and likes.We just need to acept diferent toughts and opinions.
  10. Hehe,im just Myself and tell What i see,but i respect the ones(like mike) dat like a lot Rita,but of course i like to think for myself,for exemple i like a lot dasha and some say more negatives things about her and i respect that,i dont give bad rep just because someone doesnt like the same things i do,or have the same tastes.But hey want to be negative with me and give bad rep just because i give my honest opinion..go ahead..i dont gona change or be fake just to please thats for sure!100%sure!
  11. Well to be fair,they(rlc) at some extend listen to all the complains and bad coments about Fidel and Indeed they seem Did some changes..for exemple..no hidding sex on laundryroom.then we got Out of the house to an motel(dont think it was because him or her wanted).Seems rlc listen to some extend the valid complains.I think probably(just seing how selfish Vicka and Fidel are)that he would stay with her on the apartment till she leaved.Uf Glad thats dont gona happen.
  12. Clivebb i tried a lot of softwares(recording softwares) and by far the best one(quality pictury(1080pmax),no limit of recording(you can recorde 24h if you want or more).the best i tried and that i use its bandicam.
  13. 100%,seems to act just like another couple of girls in another apartment..but at least they show some nice skin and not always with smart ass hidding.From my part i have just no feeling or Nice joy to watch her.Just know no surprises,or something minimum exciting will come from her,and have almost 100% sure of it.
  14. I use bandicam it works flawless,records up to full hd,and its no limit time,nothing,Glad i found and Nice download it.
  15. Its an usual guest that some time Ago stayed long periuds of times with them.She always sleeps in big living room sofa,and never showed any skin that i knowed.in fact think remember seing some pics of her taking bath with bra and panties on!
  16. Hep thats my fear..think Rita its also Nora friend..so problably her contraty could be FULL three months..but if Aida returns if would made just no comercial sense..but seems Nora already Did this and very recently.
  17. I got you,i also like a lot zoya,its an little beautiful woman,even if somethimes a little strange,but it is an artist Indeed and lots of time(usualy alone)not shy at all:).Hey but she seems to love him so that we cant do anything hehe.
  18. Man hope you have BINGO in all three.Great if Elisa stays another month,and the other two just dont count much for me.
  19. Lev ugg..in a little he will start masturbating himself and her the same,side by side,then he put pénis and after one,two minutes he com€€ with her masturbating him..ha and lots of little kisses
  20. So..if an new girl will arrive soon..she will stay in the big room with vicka right?man that would be bad,the girl after some days will just give up all and just eat eat on bed,make exercises on bedroom and thats it.
  21. Agree.Only Agree of an repeat girl if it makes sense,if its to bring another boring routine lady and that also hides and hides better bring new one.Also wish it as not only Fidel leaving but vicka also.In my opinion,of course lots have another,there only one worty rlc girl right now in this house,Elisa.The other resident even when dressing she goes to corner of bedroom were there no cam view..and she totaly know that.
  22. Please if past residents are to repeat at least be te ones we all want..Irma..anna..two great girls that Really make sense in rlc and made this apartment Nice and Alive..not like an cemitery like it Looks for weeks.
  23. That just shows how selfish both are,they only care about them.she sign for an project like rlc,i bet no beard boyfriend was included in it.Sinse he irreved the rlc,the members all got dump in favor of just two people.Does it matter she is paid by us all?Or that she and him eat,have an big house to enjoy,good food to eat,all with our money?Of course not...at least for Vicka and Fidel they only care for them.
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