What!?just look at barca2 and the new resident it's jasmin!?I was hoping for new girl that would change the mood and bring some life to the house..well gess I will have to wait some more time,I like Belle and Reb biput don't fancy jasmine a bit..was expeting for exemple an Megan or an old fav like Dana to join the cast..when the cast change and change for better I will renew..right now prefer to watch barca1..
When b1 with an Lima and an Milena it's more interesting to watch than b2 nothing more to say..maybe in an couple weeks barca2 will become again an fun place..seems Carolina it's leaving that's an good thing for b2..don't remember the last good moment in it..and yes there are other 14 apartments put I mainly watch barca ones.
Agree sulzer,that's my hope,i would pay the 100 if Irma were in for exemple,but gona pay the 45 for Reb and Belle,the others I don't have interest to see,but that's the good thing of the barca houses..it's always moving..and cristmas time it's coming think rlc must do something to call more views.
Both barca apartments are right now not fun to watch,my membership it's ending next month,then only gone renew one month..usually I renew Three because it's cheaper(basicaly one month free)but the barca apartments are right now so poor so no need to spend that money.
Carol westerday was paking clothes or look like it..have no ideia the time she it's in rlc..one thing for sure had no joy at all watching her.The only girl in b2 right now that Seems interested in being active and doing fun things in Belle..Reb everytime I wach her she it's on computer,the other one(Carol) does absolutely nothing fun to be watched or fallow..
Agree,this girls that don't like barca1 housemates and just go all the time to barca2 makes no sense..in jasmine case the few time she it's in her appropriate apartment(barca1) she closes in her debroom and have no contact with the others..so what is She doing in rlc?Basicaly barca1 its an two resident house and b2 an four residents..not to mention jasmin gets along nível with Carol..and both are an boredom to watch.
Rebecca was so much potential..hope her boyfriends let her do somethings besides stay all day in pc..in my opinion she it's one of the prettiest girls in rlc..want she an third in rlc..and only way that gona happen it's with some changes..Regard Lola..Three months were enought...now we just beautiful Belle and Reb to have some fun moments together..and believe that gona happen(it happen in the past).But Just happy to seing this two nice girls on cams.
Also there is no proof of the contrary..and you are saying it with all the certain..people must be coerent..think the wright thing it's in the middle..
Couldn't agree more with you,always said..rlc it's an mix of real life with fantasy..sometimes things are real as can be..others are planed..if apartments like barca ones aren't atractive to viewers than rlc won't make as much sub s and money..and for sure not all people would pay to just watch pretty girls all day on computer or watching tv..must be an balance of real and entertainment..specialy in barca apartments.
Agree with you,glad there is many apartments in rlc and an Greta forum like cc to complain everything we agree or not in rlc,what we like or not,long live rlc and cc.
Gess thats because I have nothing specialy that I want them to do(besides the nice events like orgies etc),what I can say it's one opexemple of one girl I find fun to see and that's Irma,she thinks a lot the rlc clients and thats it's shows in most she does,and when you saying that they are not to entertain anyone etc..thats your opinion..only agree in part,i like what I like and you like what you like..by saying you have all the reason..you basicaly losing the reason..
Thank god for that,still the about 400,500€ a year makes me want some entertain time,even if sometimes i am not totaly fair,but money doesn't grow up on trees hehe.
Well if comparing to others girls this Indeed spend a lot more time in rlc,specialy night time,remember some girls that were basicaly almost every night out,the thing it's yes it's Saturday today..but last day it was the same(regard Lola and Carol) and prior day the same,but to be fair find more important that Belle and Reb to me in house because don't care the other two.
Be more in rlc..Carol and Lola are most of day out..and do some things that are fun to see..besides the 100 bodypaint..or be hours and hours on computer..but gess some like to watch that..amd nothing wrong with that,people have diferent tastes,and what an person finds entertaining to see other may not find.
This Carol it's one of the most funless girls I seen in barca houses..she it's almost always out and when in it looks bored as hell..kind as bored as me watching her..Hope Reb starts moving,she it's one of the sexiest girls in rlc(in my opinion) and would love to see her doing something..something at all..same regard Belle..two very pretty girls but they need to do something..looked today several times and only seen Belle on house and she wasn't doing nothing,but at least she was in rlc..Lola and Carol as usual were mia..
She have the unusual quality of making an person feel nice seing her smile..seing her singing with that petit voice..chaking that great ass of her..dam gona end now Hehe.