From what I seen most if not all of the girls in that night did it like it was an usual thing..thays kind choking..five,six girls in barca houses..all do heavy drugs..if someone sayed this six months ago I wouldn't believe..I mean one or two girls that would be more or less "normal" but so many..makes believe that rlc indeed changed comands..
Don't agree that nothing was done on cam..have some records of that night..and somethings were visible several times..the more and more they consumed more they did things at open view..of course Probrably just one minute or two of valide images..still that enought to prove it use and that was present..
It's your point of view and totaly aceptable,my view its more or less similar,if it was light weed,for relax an day have some fun..then ok..but what the girls(and dudes)consumed was heavy thing.. you find normal to consume ilegal drugs on cam..not was more heavy ones..also have friends that consume weed for years and years..and more or less they are fine..have an couple ones that gone heavy drugs..they suffered a lot and still gess depends your conscience..myself don't like seing this girls doing it.
Per contrary..all the girls that took drugs on b2 partie seem to enjoy it and didn't look to be the first time they got it..but that doesn't make it an nice scene to watch..if was something like light weed or something that would be less harsh to see and acept..the thing was more heavy drugs...of course the sex after that it's nice to see..if someone wanted to sue rlc for what as seen on cams..Probrably had some changes to win..think ilegal drugs display and use on cam on the site could be not legal..but not sure about this.
Agree,but from rlc we can expect the best and the worst..we have two young beautiful right now in b2(Reb and Belle) that are open and fun..and then we have Carol e Lola..hope new girls comes to place of this two..and no girl from b1 join the cast of least Lola it's leaving..that's great..Carol have no ideia when she leaves..just wish rlc don't put Milena in b2..
Bad news..seems jasmine it's closer or its friend of Carolina..hope she acts very different from the hide girl de don't understand the talk about Milena moving to evidence of that..and hope that doesn't happen..when Lola leave we need an girl like Megan..not an recicled girl of b1..and that with her problably lots of drugs would come..
Barca2 it's slowly have an great cast of girls..we have it's wait Lola and Carol to leave..and an gi rl like Megan or Elisa to join them..
Don't think four girls it's too many,would be nice one of those "special" nights with..Belle..Reb..jasmine and other girl that probably will come after Lola leaves..
B2 needs Belle,hope she returns soon,Lola and Carol just don't do almost nothing..the worst it's Carol..most out and when in does very little to be fun to watch..
Of topic..seen jasmin in shower for the first time..she had great body and very nice tits with nice long nipples..would love to see her in barca2 with Rebecca and Belle..hope she visit them and join for some parties..nice.
I don't know also book,could be or not,but being such an nice apartment there's an nice possibility that it's covered,or at least some part of it,let's hope it's open and indeed if it's and as you said..with the cold coming the girls would be less in it.
There always an place to put an cam..doesn't need to be showing all..just catching the half bottom of balcony would make b2 a place with less hiding and even sex in balcony as seen in latest orgy..
Good point Book,but there is the possibility the balcony being covered..if so would be at nice temperatures..more or less equal than in rest of house..lets hope it isn't covered hehe..and that colder and rainy days will come hehe.
We just need Lola gone..Megan to take her place and that the trio be fun and open as they were in the last days trio I mean..Reb..Megan and Belle..the other two can leave(personal taste of course).
Hehe..were do I sign!?Carol it's an nice looking girl..but all the intentional covering etc makes her an average barca girl..very far from the most liked ones.
Usualy the second or third time the girls change for better..not all of them but most..for exemple llona was so much better the second time..have hopes for Rebecca..lets see if the act more and do more things..because the beauty and simpaty that she already have.