Kris just by common sense,why would two dudes and the other girls force the wasted carol to get up..dressed..and go out with them at..four of the morning..for half hour..the logical response,and not crazy at all it's the one a lot are saying..specialy if you watch was very obsvious.
That's precisely what I tought,the dudes only cared their dic&€ and the other girls only cared that they wanted carol..didn't matter how wasted she was..but from Lola and Stella I expected that type of beyave.
When this Lola leaves gona be an good day in rlc..she acts soo fake..planing everything all the time..and this of Carolina going out at 4 of the morning half hour with the dudes..nothing more to say..maybe she could use an blanket to hide and Stella covering etc..what a cast..
Sorry kris,don't agree..if you watched it looked nothing that they would go to an bar..Carolina was wasted on bed and they all praticaly obligated her to dress to go out with them..there were other girls there in a lot better shape..looked they wanted all cost..being her sober or not..sad thing but it was what it looked.
Just like I said this dudes didn't do nothing on cams(besides the crapp drug use) and they didn't care(neither the other girls)that Carolina was finished..they wanted sex and two girls..and of course of cams on other my opinion if this come out true..all this drug users can go to other place and bring girls that are fun without need of such things..neither this dudes in it..
Regard ilegal drugs think the "general" laws are similar in almost all the USA think also it's ilegal the possession or consume of heavy drugs..and regard weed..only some types are legal and under medical subscription..if not it's ilegal.So indeed the girls consuming drugs in the apartment it's ilegal and they could be arrested and rlc called also to responde.
Already said to you..I know the Spanish law regard's ilegal the possession or use of ilegal cocaine or similar..same aplies to weed etc..simple as this.
By being in Rlc cams its an "life" exposed to thousands of users..that will agree or not what they this case some agree with drugs others don't.
Depends your point of view Tripod,If you don't mind with it then no need,but if don't agree with with then seen no wrong of reporting it..myself didn't do it,but don't agree at all..but now for exemple it's 100% clear why Stella looks strange most of the time..drugs do that to an person..and if people don't complain we will have more like Stella etc..not an good thing in my opinion.