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Everything posted by Chip2020

  1. (The Video Content is no Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  2. Maya is a beautiful and talented woman. She looks particularly sexy here.
  3. Hey, I'm trying to lighten up this thread. Everybody needs to stop being so intense and have fun here. Who cares what Blue's motives are, what RLC is going to do with her, or whether she is a virtuous person or not. We would all be speculating anyway and there will be no resolution to these arguments coming anytime soon, so in the meantime, as Bobby McFerrin sings... Don't worry, be happy!
  4. Blue is looking so depressed since she decided to start doing cam shows. I think she regrets her decision and needs to stop and think about what she's doing and what alternatives she's got to make money. There's no price worth selling your peace of mind for.
  5. POP QUIZ! Is this a picture of: a) Carina b) Sabrina c) Butch d) I don't know, but I'm scared :lmao:
  6. :doh: None of the apartment tenants use their real names. So what? As long as we know who we're talking about whenever we reference one of them, that's all that counts. You can hear them refer to each other sometimes by their real names, but I'd just as soon continue using their stage names. Leora's dog isn't even named "Scooter" people, that's a name we gave her. Her real name is Eva, but I'm going to still call her Scooter. Blue will always remain Blue and her friends will be Butch and Curly to me even though they both have their own stage names. :lmao:
  7. This is Blue's 3rd cam show from the GR. I missed the second, but it really doesn't matter because she does the same routine each time. The view isn't as good as the Cam4 video, but it's a heck of a lot better quality. (The Video Content is no Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  8. They have been talking together non-stop for hours in the GR with the door closed and Paul on the other side of it. Leora must be lonely for companionship. Paul is obviously not providing that (or anything else) for this poor girl. :'(
  9. Sugarbonnie Cam4 video (2 parts, 38 minutes) Part 1: Part 2: (The Video Contents are no Longer Accessible and have been Removed)
  10. (This Image has been resized to fit in accordance with most monitors in use today).
  11. Leora masturbates in BR, then washes up in shower. (The Video Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  12. The only thing that the blue haired girl (aka Bonnie) did to permanently damage herself and possibly her future was to put that ridiculous tattoo all over her chest. RLC and her live video porn chats will fade into the past someday, but that tattoo will haunt her forever. Every time I see her, I feel badly that such a pretty young woman would make such a bad life choice. I have a daughter a few years older than Blue and would be devastated if she ever did this to herself. Maybe I'm just an old fashioned fool, but my heart goes out to this girl and I hope she gets wiser as she gets older. :'(
  13. Thanks for the explanation. Makes sense now. Wish I would've known at the time so I could've checked her out on Cam4. Oh well, next time.
  14. Poor Blue looks a little depressed tonight. Maybe she's upset that her Cam4 side job got discovered so quickly. :-[
  15. This is the first time I've seen the blue haired guest of C&S do anything sexual. Nudity during baths or getting dressed maybe, but never anything like this. She started out her online cam sex chat purposely hiding behind a heavy coat placed on a chair. Then for some reason, about 12 minutes in, she moves the chair away and gives us an unimpeded view for another 22 minutes. I have no idea why she moved the chair for us, but I'm not complaining. Enjoy!! :woohoo: (The Video Content is no Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
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