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Everything posted by Chip2020

  1. Leora is magnificent. Not only because she is beautiful and knows how to rub one out, but because she has the ability to ignore the obnoxious mutt barking incessantly and still achieves a mind draining orgasm. Any other normal mortal woman would've sent that dog to the pound a long time ago.
  2. I guess I'm just too slow. No sense posting my pics now. It took me awhile to get my brain in gear after listening to that damn dog barking for 20 minutes. How can Leora get off with that inane dog. If it's not barking, it's trying to get her attention (and blocking our view in the process). If it wasn't for her orgasmic moaning (which is hard to hear over the dog anyway), I would mute the entire video to avoid listening to that mutt. :bang head:
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