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Everything posted by Chip2020

  1. Leora putting on her makeup naked. (Content No Longer Available)
  2. Leora naked in GR drying her hair. This is an HD video so I broke it up into two parts. (Content No Longer Available)
  3. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  4. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). ...and here Kitty uses second life.
  5. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  6. (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  7. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). She certainly was inappropriately dressed for company. Must've been a gooood friend.
  8. White performs a dance for the camera (and us). (The Video Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  9. Mario and a friend showed up (don't think the friend was expected) and Carla seemed to act "normally". Although the guys just left her alone again. Don't know what's up with that? :wtf:
  10. If she would have spent more time masturbating and less time picking her nose, it would've been more entertaining. :doh:
  11. Carla just came back, but she's alone. She cleaned up the mess that the cat made an finally fed the poor thing.
  12. Lev was drunk and he passed out on the LR couch when the guest wasn't there. I think the guest was afraid to wake the sleeping boar and Zoya was happy not to have the snoring, stinking drunk Lev in her own bed. Can't blame the girls. Lev is a fool. :idk:
  13. I don't think the guest was touching Lev. If anything she was irritated that he was lying on her blanket so she couldn't get completely under it and she hardly had room to get comfortable on the couch. To top it off, Lev was snoring very loudly and she had trouble sleeping. Later, he got up and left. I wasn't watching then, so I'm not sure if he got up of his own volition, or if she woke him and asked him to leave. One think for sure though... There was absolutely nothing sexual going on between them even though they were sleeping in the same bed.
  14. Leora looks at her phone and rubs a little in the LR, but Paul is in the room so she cant let loose. (The Video & Image Contents are No Longer Accessible and Have Been Removed)
  15. Ilona on the couch while White makes a snack in the kitchen. (The Image & Video Contents are no longer accessible and have been removed).
  16. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). They're all watching a movie that's 100% in English. I guess they speak the language. ... or maybe it's subtitled?
  17. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). Lev got drunk and passed out on the couch in the LR. So Guest just crawled into bed and tried to fall asleep with him sprawled out in his underwear. What a tool.
  18. Since they had their big confrontation a few weeks ago, Leora has spent less time on her phone and when she does, she often shows Paul what she's doing on it. Other times she just sneaks into the GR to use her phone and texts someone without Paul's knowledge. She makes an extra effort to be demonstrative with Paul and spends hours laying on the couch next to him while he practically ignores her. Masturbation and sex have become a things of the past. Paul on the other hand has become morose, distant and angry. He doesn't trust Leora anymore and seems to be punishing her for betraying him. This is not just boring... it is frustrating, annoying and pathetic. If Leora wasn't such an exhibitionist and so damn cute, I would never bother monitoring their apt cams, but nudity without a sexual context gets old quickly. I hope Leora gets back to "normal" soon and Paul gets over his trust issues and hurt feelings. He needs to grow a pair.
  19. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
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