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Everything posted by martyen

  1. Angel: I will not tell you that you will miss me, I would not tell you that you had sunny days, I would not say you a charming girl, I would not tell you that you had irritated me ... Sometimes I would not say that I liked your shyness ... your clumsiness ... your dances ... But know that I wish you the best in your private and professional life. I think you would not return A RLC ... project was not made for you. Many thanks a fan. .............
  2. Thank you my friend. For your question I think not. Ange is a solo girl, I thought that for her last days she would be more present in the apartment, but obviously more interesting things are outside.
  3. Mike I posted several times that I am a fan of Kamila she masturbates under the covers,ok. But her orgasms make me happy to look and she does not show her legs open like BELLE. That's why I do not understand .
  4. I totally agree with you. I remember leaving live girls that brought a share of truth, I do not know why RLC stopped maybe a will of girls. ???
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