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Everything posted by martyen

  1. Sorry, I thought you wanted to tell me it was not possible to suspect something wrong against RLC. But the post of Ben will make me look at RLC otherwise.to the next problems
  2. Ben your post makes me think, and maybe you're right, but other events in the past are in my memory but your post tells me that I should look at RLC differently thank you
  3. I know I posted, but the cameras of the LR functioned until the arrival of the girls, the bathroom also worked. And the room of Gina also. Can be that I see the evil everywhere but the events make me go in this direction. Again is my opinion. I do not try to influence somebody.
  4. I am again negative in the morning because of the events of last night at B1 I think that is not a coincidence the loss of the cameras at the time of the return of the girls. I think not to break the regulation of CC saying this .RLC does nothing to prevent speculation Again is only my opinion
  5. I agree with you, do not have the first time that does it, but the timing makes me say what had an appointment. Putting perfume only on her ass, is strange. I do not criticize, just I Notes.
  6. Hello everyone. I like to watch Angel in the morning but the person in his room, I looked at the replay to understand, she got up early, around 7:45. Has left in 8:08 no shower, no panty, just perfume on the butt. Roses spoke to him in the hall 1minute. It is not much sleep Dating love last night?
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