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Keen Observer

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Everything posted by Keen Observer

  1. So why do you keep paying if it's so bad? As long as RLC is getting money, what' their motivation to improve the product.
  2. And some people would complain if they got Hanged with a Used Rope.
  3. So Nelly & Marina on vacation at the same time. If I recall they took a trip together about this time a couple years ago. Maybe a Spring Fling....
  4. Funny how some comments about Linda's weight gain. But it also appear that Tibor has added a few lbs/kgs as well. Simple solution to that, is they need to start sexually exercising again. Also, why do they keep that Dance Pole. Does it ever get used, or is she over the weight limit.... My opinion is that Tibor is part of RLC, not just a "member". That's why he's constantly on his computer.
  5. Now there was the "sailor" friend of Anna's (B2) that gave Radi a backside nude massage. But I believe Lola put an end to that when he started getting handsy between her legs.
  6. Nope! And just the way she prefers it. I remember when she was in B1 and a colorful chap came to visit her. You could tell he wasn't her cup of tea and kept him literally at arms length away on couch. He tried to tickle her and she had him out the door in 5 minutes never to be seen again.
  7. Poor bugger, maybe he needs to get an outfit like Svetlana. He'd look good in all white.😁
  8. So is Nelly just playing Chaperon to the girls in B4.
  9. How do you call it cheating, when he was aware of what they were doing.
  10. A gentleman he is. He knew all about Nelly's relationship with Martina. He just got jealous and complained to RLC. Which is why they ended up leaving B4 as tenants. Anyhow, that's my story.
  11. Fantasy Alert: Would love to see Nelly, Alex & Kim (Original) put on a "performance".
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