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Keen Observer

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Everything posted by Keen Observer

  1. 2 part video. Another fine performance by Uma. I was hoping for some waterworks. But that's what makes her great. Not just the same thing over and over. Uma & Alexis Crystal 1.mp4
  2. 24. I figured her to be a couple years younger. Since you brought age up. I was looking at Leora the other day and wondered how old she might be. I was thinking around 27-28.
  3. You'd think when RLC introduces new members to "the project", they'd at least provide a free cam initially, so everyone could get a looksee. Maybe they could generate a few more subs that way.
  4. A Penthouse Beauty from the past.
  5. Oxi Bendini Bedroom Work.mp4
  6. Some Pics and videos of this Redheaded Beauty.
  7. unsexy skinny. No someone like the recently departed Dana would be classified in that category. Radi, despite being bulimic, was still quite fit, and hardly "unsexy". IMO
  8. Appears so. Radislava would do the same thing. Gorg then purge.
  9. Amazing how better people look when they're not bombed. Not being in a abusive relationship does wonders as well.
  10. dd needs to learn to occasionally just give the Readers Digest version when responding.
  11. I tend to agree. It's not a criticism, but when you see pretty much the same thing without any variety, it's not worth watching again.
  12. Nice of RLC to leave that on Free viewing. Harley like everything but him fingering her asshole. No 2 minute man there.
  13. Trying to put a face with this nice pussy, I found this. Needless to say, my back isn't the only thing that feels better after watching this. Oxi Bendini.mp4
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