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Keen Observer

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Everything posted by Keen Observer

  1. Poor Paul, but he tries. He obviously doesn't mind that she bates to make up for his lack of talent (which he doesn't have a monopoly on compared to the other guys you mentioned). I guess that's true love.
  2. Nope! Previous member, Fiora's BF looked like a Caveman. Especially when he would grab Fiora's hair while doing her from behind.
  3. Seeing Leia in the kitchen, I didn't realize or forgot how tall she was. What is she like 6-4. She could wrap those legs around my head a could times.
  4. Correct. Could you imagine what Radi would do to Sammy Blue Balls the first time he tried to rub on her. She'd drop him to his knees with a swift kick to the groin. Thor I think would be smart enough to stay away.
  5. Loraine was capable of so much more. There was a lot of "un-tapped" potential in my book. She can stay away, and it won't be missed....at least by me.
  6. If they start losing paying customers enough, maybe they will. As the old saying goes....Money Talks!!
  7. Maybe Subs should start cancelling and they might get the hint. But as long as they are collecting $$$, then what do they care.
  8. Agreed! She doesn't bring anything to the table, other than frustration of the viewers for not doing anything. It isn't like she's not capable, 'cause she's displayed "some" action when she was at the Villa. From allowing Radi to pleasure her a few times and then when she threw the vibrator in her own ass.
  9. Simply by her reaction of when she was notified. She was devastated. And if she was leaving on her own, then there would have been some acknowledgement from some of her housemates.
  10. Tweety Bird was nice when she let Radi suck her pussy. But then she allowed Loraine to turn her against her due to Loraine's jealousy of Radi. I'm glad I cancelled my Premium when Radi left. I communicated to RLC that they had diminished their "assets" when they got rid of Radi. I have been proven correct from what I can tell.
  11. Who cares if they're married. Fucking is fucking. Bruh!
  12. Best thing RLC has done in awhile was getting Karol her own pad. Maybe she'll let the freak come out now.
  13. So nobody commented on Karol & Kos fucking in the front room...but people have energy to flame each other. How about we keep the comments on the RLC contents and not each other. Thanks!
  14. I know what mine reaction would be....over the moon. But it will never happen.
  15. If you're referring to Alexandra from the first half of 2021, I totally agree. She was a great treasure. Her one on one with Megan was epic. I just wish it would have happened more than once.
  16. Tereza preparing for something on the couch, laying out the towels, while Holly in taking a shower. Maybe an oil massage is in order...🤔
  17. Is that Kassandra putting on an exhibition for the boys by the pool. I'm assuming that is Tim.
  18. Tereza providing some female attention to Holly. Just wish it was more than just a stroke of her head. Tereza needs to pick up her game. It's gets a bit old doing the same old shit all the time.
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