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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Michelle hiding in her bathroom with door closed to change clothes now. Put on new Calvins out of site in her bathroom
  2. Nicole may not been expected back. When she did come back she should have snuck up to her her and gave them some privacy.
  3. Everyone is missing the point. Could it not be that she is really Lesbian? I have known fem Lesbians that I have been friends with In the past that called the lover as her boyfriend. Again I am not talking about what she has on her page.
  4. Somebody said that Jess has on her webpage that she is Bi. Did anybody think that she is really lesbian and bi concerning guys. just a thought.
  5. Nora knew this before it started but involved just Irma And Jess because Nicole was not there to be included. Nora could have said to go to Jess's room but did not.
  6. Not bitching about a boyfriend. It is about how she barged in to watch and then not moving to her own room for a massage. Nicole wants what she wants and no one else counts.
  7. Nicole could have taken the guy to her room, but no she stays in Nora and Irma's room. She should have moved.
  8. she does not have a right to a massage. She was not there when this started and barged into Irma's room without an invite.
  9. being I was not invited from the start I would not stay and I do not get turned on watching boy girl sex like you do
  10. Nicole just walks into Irma's room to watch. She would not want someone to walk in abd watch her performing.
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