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Everything posted by Troy

  1. New Girl Good, she pretty I hope annoying Wolf don't corrupt this one too? ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. what's going on in that apartment right now? he has a girlfriend she's going all the time? All I know is That poor little dog is not feeling the love right now? Whatever's going on between those 2? the little dog is caught in the middle. Can't help it I'm a dog person.๐Ÿ™‚
  3. "The Pink Skirt" keep me and my Lady laughing. She happy that there guys on RLC. He's entertaining to watch, how he pops up at any Villa. And that Shirtless, Pink Skirt wearing Character.๐Ÿ™‚
  4. Well, if you keep walking around with your arms and chest pushed out. It takes a toll on your posture ๐Ÿ˜
  5. WTF was that? All of that flirting with each other, and they just masturbate. I was hoping for a little bit more action, from the Margo and "The Pink Skirt"
  6. Lialia, Just got finished fucking.... And would that be cash or credit card?......Welcome back Lialia I didn't even know she was back.๐Ÿ™‚
  7. Margo And Tiny Tim a.k.a "The Pink Skirt"....Are 2 peas in a pod, they both like walking around with their's Chest Pushed Out.
  8. Margo nice looking ๐Ÿ™‚....I see that she already knows the "The Pink Skirt"?
  9. Yup, and I hope they vote me, the leader of that small group.๐Ÿ™‚
  10. Shut Up!.... I guess you like to Pink Skirt too don't you. Again stop getting so emotionally tied to these people that you don't even know. take a chill pill dude or who ever you are?
  11. Finally, someone who understands that this guy is an Asshole. Wolf is one strange Dude. It's like he has a child like mentality๐Ÿ™‚
  12. You know Megan is probably one of the most underrated girls on the RLC. She a prettiest little dark hair blue eyed girl. I was going through my computer, and I found a video of Holly going down on Megan. Well actually my girl found it, She really likes Megan and Holly too. I would love to put it out there. if someone wants see it? but I'm not really good with PC.
  13. This is just a opinion and it doesn't mean that I'm right or not? I just want to say that when these people come on to this RLC. and they are subject for our opinions. They open themselves up, and we have our opinions. it's nothing to get upset about, or dwell on or take personal. ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. I didn't actually see what Wolf did? I was just reading what people have wrote on the post ๐Ÿ™‚
  15. I know. I was replying to your post. I'm not upset, just don't believe in what you are saying. Oh that's OK, we're entitled to our opinions so am I whether I'm wrong or not?
  16. WTF! Are you getting upset about? I'm not direct this at you, or whom ever you are? I'm talking about that Wolf.
  17. I swear that guy Wolf is like a little cockroach. he just creeps out of every corner on RLC.
  18. Again that little Asshole Wolf has no respect for somebody's woman. I would never Disrobe myself in front of somebody's girlfriend. Out of respect for the guy.
  19. Obviously you'll never play the sport? If you ever played it, then you wouldn't understand. I've been through martial arts and boxing. only thing that ever physically took a toll on my body is football. I played it for 3 years in high school And 1 year and college before I broke my leg. And believe me when you play this sport, it's physical and also a mental game. so don't tell me it's not a tough sport, until you actually play It.
  20. You mean National Football League (NFL) And it's one the Toughest Skilled Sport in The World. And it has a revenue of 19.5 Billion dollars a Year.
  21. Elli She's one little cut-throat Chick. I mean she just boldly brings this dude right into the bed, that her Ex-boyfriend where fucking in. this Bitch got some Big Balls!....Wow! ๐Ÿ™‚
  22. Well the both of them had me fooled. I thought she was a Girl Next Door type? I should've noticed that Elli started getting a little freaky with the sex. It's just another RLC hook up apartment. Two people there pretending to be a couple. Well more power to whatever the fuck is going on? RLC has pornstars and Actor/Actress ๐Ÿ™‚
  23. Nope, There's more going on there. than trying to make us mad.
  24. Why is that Man wearing a Pink Skirt? WTF!...Wolf is one Freakin Weirdo.
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