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Everything posted by 1962Starfire

  1. The other evening in the kitchen, Alberto finally noticed what appears to be a hickey on Martina's left upper thigh. He appeared to be amused but the smile never reached his eyes. Hmmmm......
  2. I know that has always been your sentiment for M&A, JenMom, and it may very well be true. Maybe if I had followed them from the beginning, I would also think along those lines. But one of my reservations about that point is that Martina was so young at the time. Some have said they have been together 10 years or more. It's true that European women were always miles ahead of American women when it came to sex but I just can't see the two of them deciding at such a young age to be just fuck buddies and then get paid for it when RLC came along. Or maybe RLC was just going to be a temporary lark for them since they were together anyway. Who knows? I'm sure all the things you mentioned are truly troubling Martina, as they would with anyone faced with those issues. But I do believe Alberto weighs heavily on her mind also. I mean, logically, there had to be an emotional bond there to stay together with him for so long and it still appears to be there at times. I find it also curious that there is no evidence of Alberto having other women before their troubles started. It says, to me, that he really loved Martina, maybe more than what she felt for him because she was so young, in the beginning. In addition, at present, I think she is struggling with same sex/opposite sex emotions. Maybe more so than commitment. Just my speculation based on logic and nothing else. Personally, I think she has a nice bundle stashed away and she is only staying on RLC to help Alberto through his (apparent) financial problem. And (again apparently) she is paying to keep her new apt/room, paying for school and helping family and (apparently) Alberto. I doubt if her job and the RLC euros are covering all of that. I don't think we'll ever know what the whole true story is but I, for one, will miss this couple when (and if!) they leave. They are so different than the other RLC participants and seem like a couple I would like as my next door neighbors........lol.
  3. As I mentioned in my previous post, none of us know factually what their finances are. They may each have, either separately or together, saved a substantial amount of euros over the years that they don't want to touch if they don't have to, like most people. Let's say, just as an example, someone has 50K in the bank as their total savings. They need house repairs totaling near that amount. I'm sure most wouldn't spend their whole life savings all at once. They'd look for other means to get some of the money....loans, friends, or timed payments. Perhaps this is what all the financial disagreements are with M&A. Maybe Martina has a bundle saved and Alberto, not so much. Nobody knows. Theories and speculation are fun but we'll all have to wait for the end game for the truth. Even then, we may never know if the drama ends quickly.
  4. And THAT is the bottom line here. We all see and hear what goes on in the apartment, in front of the cameras, and we all draw our own conclusions. The very few translators hear what is only being said and provide us with some content. BUT, is it the whole story? I think not. Unless one of us is a relative or personal friend of M&A, no one has any idea how much money M&A have or make. Yes, much of the conversation (and arguments!) are about finances but we can't get an entire picture of someone's bank account over one argument about a bike, a mortgage or paying for school. Most couples argue about specific issues without their general wealth entering into the conversation. I think the same can be said of M&A's innermost feelings and emotions. Yes, we see Alberto with his new diversion and Martina's few lesbian escapades on camera but appearances deceive. Alberto could screw half of Barcelona (and why hasn't he up until now??) but still retain that old feeling of "first love" for Martina, from so many years ago, even after all that has happened. Martina may just be having sexual adventures and experimentation, as modern young people do now, but, emotionally, is she a true lesbian? Is it possible that she ALSO sees other men outside the apartment? Is she hurt when she sees Alberto with someone else because, again, she still has that special feeling for him, muddled over deep inside? I believe she is troubled by her doubts as anyone would be, male or female. Age and experience are usually the deciding factors in the end, especially for someone as bright and intelligent as Martina. My point is that sometimes the opinions and speculation on here seem to take on a life of their own, but they are only illusions and shadows. We forget that, in reality, "we ARE NOT either MARTINA or ALBERTO and THEY ONLY KNOW how they feel and what’s going on in their brains."
  5. Right. The apartment seems to be more popular than ever. Everyone is waiting to see what happens next with the gorgeous Martina,......her family, school, apartment, her confusion about her sexual issues and does she still love Alberto?; Alberto, with his screwed up finances, the sex circus with his new piece of fluff, and does he still love Martina?; and poor Taco who never knows who will give him his next meal and walk. It's better than a movie script. RLC is probably dancing in the streets!
  6. I agree! Martina has had her other place a few months now and could have moved at any time. Apparently she stayed to help out Alberto with his financial woes and he's fucked it up. It was terrible to see what occurred earlier this evening and how he treated Martina. I have never seen her cry before and it was heartbreaking. I guess most of us felt the same and just wanted to hug her. Martina may finally realize that the situation isn't going to get much better and probably will hasten her departure to finally make the break with Alberto and let him fend for himself. Very sad what has happened to these two, once happy people but life gets in the way sometimes. I only wish the best for them.
  7. Agree with all of the above. It is so very sad to see what this couple is going through. But then again.....isn't this what RLC is all about? "Real Life." It's not just about the sex (well, maybe for some) but observing the good times and bad in people's daily life.
  8. Sorry for my poor choice of words. I was referring right from the beginning of the relationship, even before Martina's activities occurred. He probably was a homebody living with Martina even before RLC and continued his ways after. From what I understand, he rarely went to the RLC parties at other residences in the years they've been an RLC couple. And good for him! I'm not a big socializer either 😆😆😆.
  9. It may have appeared, to some, that Martina was taking advantage of Alberto but I'm not sure this was the case. It takes "two to tango" as they say. I believe Alberto loved Martina (and probably still does) and would do anything to please her......including the wash and the dishes! 😆 He is evidently a 'homebody" and Martina isn't. Many couples are the same. One likes to party and the other prefers football on TV but the love is still there and it all works. Unfortunately, in M&A's case, other factors, (apparently) played a part resulting in the present situation. Martina seems very troubled by it and Alberto may be too, but I think he is too angry and hurt yet, inside himself, to show it. I think Juliet is only a distraction for him. It may just be his way of showing Martina, "See! I have a fuck buddy too!" and it just adds to Martina's troubled state of mind. But I believe they still do care deeply for each other (the snuggling on the couch was nice to see today) but the point of no return may have been reached at this point in time. I hope I'm wrong.
  10. Just curious. Is this speculation of the masses, personal opinion or fact based?
  11. There must be much more going on here than most of us mere observers know or are willing to say.
  12. Seems like CC is messing up the quotes. This was my quote you responded to, not "blue is the color". WTF?
  13. Something went screwy on here, JYBRD. That's not my quote that you commented on above. 😐😐😐
  14. Possible, I guess. I have no idea what the bonus rate is for these type of events, but if that's true, then why doesn't everyone on RLC have sex marathons? Very few do from what I see.
  15. I find it curious that Alberto brings his new bit of fluff back to the apartment for his sex marathons. Why not her place? It's almost as if he wants to rub it in Martina's face for what happened between them when she made known her sexual preferences. Yes, it must have hurt him deeply but at least she was honest about it and didn't carry on a lie with him. He should grant the poor girl that much. She has a lot on her plate now and she seems very troubled.
  16. There was another quick scene when Martina was going out the door with her sunglasses on to walk Taco. There were a few words exchanged between M&A in the hall and he said something like "At least smile." You could only see her mouth but Martina actually SNEERED at him and slammed the door. Wish I could have seen what those pretty eyes were also saying behind the sunglasses!
  17. I tend to agree. With both seemingly having financial problems at present, Alberto with his mortgage (was he ever approved?) and house purchase, Martina with (apparently) new apartment expenses plus school and family expenses. It would be difficult for them to do without the RLC benefits right now.
  18. Not sure even the "blue pill" would help Alberto have sex with Martina now. I'm convinced Alberto was left mentally scarred by Martina's revelation, years ago now, that she sexually preferred women over men. Being told this by the woman about whom you care so deeply (love?) has got to be devastating and it definitely affected Albert's performance with Martina. Every time they had sex, he probably thought, "She's not into this." Predictably, the couple grew apart, at least physically. Emotionally, I still see a bond there and I think it troubles Martina. Anyway, my point is that it is illogical to compare Alberto's sexual performance with the two women because of the vast difference in the makeup of the two relationships.
  19. Just speaking from my own past experience, yes. For men (and women too, I assume) in most cases, there will always be "the one that got away" and comparisons will be made both physically and emotionally.
  20. Just speculation, not unlike what makes up the majority of comments here. If we removed everyone's assumptions, we'd be looking at mostly blank pages.
  21. Oh yes. they do exist. I worked with a girl years ago who used to attend "sex parties" with her boyfriend and loved to tell all of her female workmates about her adventures. But that was before AIDS and the various other exotic diseases made their appearance. I'm sure they still do exist somewhere out there. I'm not certain how "committed" a married couple would consider themselves and yet seek out a swingers group. You hear of "open marriages" but I have never met anyone in one and would be curious to observe what sort of people they are. My personal feeling is that something is not right somewhere for them to seek out that lifestyle and it probably isn't a joint decision. It most likely occurs at the urging of one or the other partners for whatever reason. So, before we get deleted for getting off the forum subject..........I noticed some tender moments between M&A when she got home. Even if it is true that they are going to separate soon, it was nice to see the caring (love??) is still there. Yes....I think we can bring "soul mates" back into the conversation when discussing them. No matter what the future holds for M&A, I'd like to think that they will always have that bond between them and stay close.
  22. Nice post. A lot of good points made. Yes, I believe "soul mates" are mainly monogamous. It's kind of built in to the definition of soul mates. To me, soul mates become part of each other. They are truly interested and committed, the conversation is easy but they are comfortable with the long silences, they hate long periods apart, and they love each other deeply without condition every day. Most never think about it but, I believe one of the main reasons they are together is to kind of bear witness to each other's daily life, whether it be exciting or mundane, sad or happy. Their presence is all that's important to them. That, perhaps, is how M&A started out. The term "polygamous soul mates" is almost an oxymoron. Almost like saying "honest politician".......lol Very rare, like you said, but I guess they're out there. Just a conjecture on my part but I believe M&A came together as a normal (monogamous) couple. They have been together a long time (some say more than 10 years) so they were both quite young at the start. Hardly a time to decide that they will be FWB or have an "open" relationship. Martina probably was not aware of her lesbian side at the time so there was no reason to have an "open" relationship then because of that. No, I still believe the troubles began when Martina discovered her sexual passion with women, whether it was with Nelly or someone else before her, and it mentally paralyzed Alberto. But the seeds were sown and the rest is (assumed) history. I think this is what appears to be so troublesome to Martina now, as we have discussed. She enjoys sex with women but does that make her a true lesbian? She still has emotional feelings for Alberto that she (probably) does not have with her female sexual partners, so is she thinking that she is bi-sexual? Or is it just a phase in her young life.....sexual experimentation.....and will she go back to needing a man later on. Maybe she fears she will completely lose Alberto, the one person she truly cares for (her soul mate!), and have to spend her evenings alone and missing him terribly. Her mind must be a war right now about this and all the other things going on in her life. As far as a threesome with Alberto, I can see what you are saying, but would he actually believe it would be to his benefit to see his girl being sexually pleased by another woman.....maybe more-so than him? It's all academic now but I think it would have been a disaster, both emotionally and mentally, for him at the time. But, as you said, it may just be my male point of view coming out. Actually, hypothetically speaking, I think a threesome with another male would have been less traumatizing to Alberto, if there had to be one. Even if Martina had feelings for the other male, in the scenario, at least Alberto would feel he had a fighting chance with her. Again, all supposition and conjecture, but interesting to speculate while our favorite couple is still here to speculate about.
  23. (Hanging head in shame.....LOL) What you suggest may have been an excellent option if M&A had not been "soul mates" as you describe and very much in love with each other for so long. If they had just been fuck buddies from the start, yes, a threesome with any that you mentioned probably would have lessened the tension between them and maybe become a regular hot routine in their sex life. But since Alberto cared for Martina so much, I think he would not have agreed to a threesome. Seeing the woman you love being sexually satisfied by another woman is a lot different than watching a fuck buddy doing the same. Even if he did do it in a weak, drunken moment, I think it would have driven a deeper wedge between them and they would have parted ways soon after. I believe neither wanted that......at least then. I don't think they REALLY, deep down inside, want to part ways now but that's only my romantic, wishful thinking talking. PS: Check your PM's, JM.
  24. I have seen old videos of M&A's early years and many of their sessions were pretty hot. But to get to your question about why Alberto doesn't last as long or as passionate with Martina now, I know if my wife or girlfriend told me they had a passionate fling with another woman, it would certainly play havoc in my mind's eye during our future love-making and fill me with doubts if I was satisfying her or if she was getting any pleasure at all from it and it would certainly affect my performance......again, just a male point of view. I can't help but think Alberto experienced the same feelings with Martina and probably still does. Juliet is the new "shiny sex figure" in his life that renewed all that sexual confidence for him.
  25. I completely agree. We also have to keep in mind that Martina is still quite young and inexperienced in making these kinds of life altering decisions which adds another layer of stress for her. But she is obviously a smart girl and will figure it all out as each of us must do at times.
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