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Everything posted by illy

  1. Nowadays, 'gay' is often used as an umbrella term. Think of it as being a catch-all label for 'not straight'. Plenty of bisexual people will toss it around. Whether they should or not is a whole other discussion for a whole other forum.
  2. Open relationships are a mutual *agreement* to terms, they are not necessarily a mutual *setting* of terms. They come in all kinds of forms and flavours, and the specific arrangement of a specific open relationship is the deeply personal, individual choice of the people involved. How one couple approach their open relationship will differ to another's approach. It is absolutely possible that only one half of the couple decides the terms. Unless you have a direct line to both Sara & Massimo and they have both explained their terms to you, you simply cannot know them, let alone know who set them. And neither are you in any position to be telling Sara that she needs to understand her own relationship better than you do. Right from the start you have been arguing that Massimo couldn't possibly have done anything wrong purely on the basis of 'but it was an open relationship'. Either you have a seriously limited understanding of how any kind of relationship functions or you're being deliberately simplistic in your definition of 'open' to be able to downplay any Massimo guilt.
  3. I wouldn't say there is a particular term, no. You're just looking at your garden variety women - either bi-curious, or bisexual, or straight but with something to gain from it (like pleasing a boyfriend, or a payday etc) - who have decided they are there for the experience of only each other, while being comfortable that a man watches on. I suppose there is a very small chance the other woman doesn't want the boyfriend involved because she is a lesbian, but you would struggle to find one happy to partake in this kind of arrangement because most would vomit at the thought.
  4. More than one female tenant has openly spoken on camera - in English - about how they don't think he is anything special and have no real desire to be around him. So you can absolutely bet he gets routinely obliterated in more private conversation.
  5. Actual lesbian here. First of all, your definition of 'lipstick lesbian' is completely wrong. It does not mean 'straight woman who loves sex with other women' as you said in your previous post. 'Lipstick lesbian' is simply a hyper-feminine presenting lesbian, ie. the opposite of a butch lesbian. The clue is in the name. Lipstick = make-up = stereotypically hyper-feminine in appearance. As for 'straight woman who loves sex with other women' - they are not straight lol. They might call themselves straight but they are not. A woman who calls herself straight but who enjoys sex with both men and women is a bisexual woman too scared to call herself bisexual. A woman who calls herself straight but who only has sex with and enjoys sex with women is a lesbian too scared to called herself a lesbian. This isn't complicated stuff. There is no such thing as a 'straight woman who loves sex with other women' There is, however, such a thing as a 'straight woman who will fool around with other women if there is something to be gained'. Based on evidence so far, Caroline hasn't done anything to indicate she isn't just one of these types. At the absolute most she is bisexual, with a preference for men.
  6. The long time understanding has been that the landlord did not want this apartment renovated to the standards of the K&K apartment. So as soon as renovations became a possible explanation for the UMs, we really should have collectively asked why the landlord would change her mind after all this time and/or lowered our expectations for the level of 'renovation' that could be taking place. It was me who first posted about the missing wallpaper in the bedroom, so I guess it's my fault for not asking the obvious question on the back of that. It was really only the length of the UM that suggested extensive work could be being carried out. Everything else known of this apartment said otherwise. In hindsight, minimal changes for the sake of refreshing floors and walls should probably have been what we all anticipated.
  7. Alpha male Massimo is reeling right now. His girlfriend fucked him off, and for a "homosexual" man to boot(?), and then on top of that a new male tenant appears on the hill who has the potential to be more of a threat to his unopposed top dog status than the last one. So of course he spends the night moving from woman to woman, whipping his dick out in a desperate attempt to show why he should still be considered the main man of the villas. Poor thing. So fragile.
  8. She can't feel that guilty if she was fucking Park two hours before Frisky got there.
  9. It's one thing to decide you think Frisky is a lesbian, it's another thing entirely to go as far as saying you think she is a gold star. What are your credentials for concluding any of this? The very fact she is even interested in Caroline screams bisexual at best, because any self-respecting lesbian would be repulsed by even the idea of being with a woman whose boyfriend is on the other side of the wall and is fucking her himself right before you turn up. If Frisky is a lesbian, she is one of the most pathetic ones I've ever come across. It would certainly make her most the pathetic one of the three involved.
  10. I love how you keep clarifying that you only watch these two so you can laugh at them. "I'm definitely not willingly clicking the cam right when I know they're having sex so that I can see this man's arsehole. I've only looked at it closely enough times to be able to say I think it resembles two arseholes, but I assure you all I was laughing while I examined the sight in question, which means it isn't weird on my part. I am fully aware that I will see this man's naked rear end while seeking out my next giggle, but that is a price I am willing to pay because my dislike of Karma runs so deep that not even a repeated viewing of a hairy crack puts me off following her every move in the hope of finding something new about her to poke fun at. I solemnly swear that I take no enjoyment from seeing the sight that I choose to keep looking at when I don't need to." The same goes for everybody else who has revealed that they too have acquired what was a totally optional intimate knowledge of Tantra's arsehole.
  11. I've been watching them quite a bit. Especially since the cams finally got fixed. I wouldn't say there have been arguments as such, but they have definitely been dealing with something. I haven't been able to figure out if it was an issue between them or an off-cam issue that was being brought home, but it looked to have been affecting Selene the most. Maybe it was something as simple as RLC telling them it's time to move on. Who knows. Either way, their leaving means there is now nothing 'real life' for the lesbian viewer to watch except Val & Jul, and they are no longer bearable now they have started being terrorised by Masha. If Eos and Selene aren't replaced by another lesbian couple, it will be time for me to say goodbye to RLC.
  12. Dayona is as a gay as they come. The whole reason he lives as a woman in the first place is because he hates that he is gay. That is all these "transwomen" who sleep with men ever are - gay men with so much internalised homophobia they delude themselves into thinking they are women, like it's some kind of loophole out of being a flaming homosexual. The other way of going about straightening yourself out is to just touch a fanny now and then and pretend you like it. Which Daytona is also doing. The other one, I can't speak on, because he is much easier to avoid seeing than Daytona ever was.
  13. They briefly talked to Sara (and I guess Massimo too since he was around as well) in the fitness room a few evenings ago. Or the blonde one did anyway. I never caught the full exchange so I can't be sure whether the other one joined in before she disappeared out of my sight.
  14. The problem with this 'variety is the spice of life' way of thinking is that the men of RLC roam. You put some in B7, they appear in B4. They appear in B1. They appear in B2. They are permanent tenants in B5, and these ones go wandering as well. It's entirely possible that a person opens up RLC and finds that what is typically a female-only apartment has become anything but. Is it sometimes only for the night? Sure. But if it happens to be the same night that a regular viewer of an apartment sits down to spend the evening watching their primary interest, they have lost their expected viewing experience. There is not one single Barcelona apartment that can be banked on as being female-only every single time a viewer comes along to watch. Is that guarantee really too much to ask for when the subscription costs as much as it does? If RLC want male tenants, fine. Whatever. I have zero interest myself. I can only assume there is something in the data saying it's worthwhile having them. But the current way of things, ie add them to one villa but give them free rein to visit anywhere and everywhere, hasn't just turned that one villa mixed, it has created a state where it is only possible to say 'this apartment is female-only at this very present moment in time'.
  15. Give her an empty bed. Nobody else is going to clean that kitchen now Aziza is gone.
  16. I see this game of Chinese whispers is still rolling on....... I don't know why I'm even bothering but here goes, word for word as best as my ears can catch: Nadia: [the event] was very beautiful, very high... the highest levels [something] East-is-East, of Russia & Ukraine. --- Nadia talking about the work she did at this event: There is roles, they give you role and you play this role all the evening. You cannot call... you cannot say your name. Dayana: I work before [something] these parties but swinger club, more sexual and— Nadia: Yes, this is also sexual but sex is not with us. They [the guests] have their own— Dayana interrupts explaining how she worked similar events in Madrid. Nadia: This is similar, but it's not swinger - it's more like [there are] rooms with special experiences, where they put, for example, earphones and cover your eyes, and then all people like, touching one guest. And there was maybe like, five different rooms [something room], audio room. Then performance. [she explains how it was a story about an 18th century king and queen]. There was like real actors and performance [...] in big main room. And many guests. And the enter, for one person, is 60,000 euros. Dayana: Enter? Nadia: Yes. To get to this party, you have to pay 60,000 euros. So it was the top level. --- Nadia explains her role for this most recent party had to be changed because some other girl wasn't allowed to work the event. Nadia didn't like her role until she saw the costume that was 'very beautiful'. She had previously played the role of a goddess and queen 'ruling everyone around me', and an 'some energy' [presumably be means spirit?] - but this most recent event had real actors taking the main roles, so Nadia's role was reduced. No words/script. The performance itself was over the final two days of the trip. The days leading up to that were for rehearsals - all overseen by a director. --- At no point does Nadia say SHE charged 60k per person. Anybody thinking she did either hadn't watched the conversation in question (you no longer need to now I've transcribed the relevant parts) or they have an agenda. It couldn't be any clearer from what Nadia says that the 60k entry was paid to the event itself. Nadia does not say how much she personally earned. The only indication we have of that is when Aziza sat in her room counting notes after arriving back. Assuming the money in her hand was the money she earned in Paris AND assuming she was counting the total amount AND assuming she earned equal to Nadia, it would seem Nadia earned no more than a few thousand euros. Lots of assumption.
  17. What they are *doing* isn't faked. But people are now starting to pick up on how The Three Muffsketeers are trying to sell these little trysts as a story that isn't authentic, instead of just plainly feeling each other up on cam for the money like so many others do. It's the disingenuous motive/presentation that pisses people off. There is no need to pretend you're the plotline of a Todd Haynes movie.
  18. Finally, somebody sees the glaring clue. The evidence for real vs clickbait is not found in what is happening, but in who is involved. That being Caroline and her mates. Plural. Caroline cuddles up with Gabby, she cuddles up with Frisky. She and Frisky touch each other. Frisky & Gabby touch each other. This is not some unfolding poly triangle romance for the ages, or even just some 'casual threesome with my bffs' thing - there is too much plot to either of those stories for them to possibly be real. All of this is just Caroline's way of getting good ranking replays, especially during the dead hours while Park is out of the apartment. Scarlett will have given Caroline all the tips and tricks. But Caroline has over-egged the pudding getting *two* friends involved with the payday when one would have looked far more authentic and believable. And then an already bad script got worse when Frisky & Gabby paired up. Oh and I'm also a lesbian myself, so I'm doubly calling bullshit on these posers.
  19. Massimo in the fitness room again showing us all that he can't lift anything heavier than his phone.
  20. The place needs a whole reset, honestly. The B4 dynamic has been pretty fragmented for a while. Everybody is perfectly courteous whenever bumping into each other in the kitchen, but there are clearly two 'groups' when it comes to spending extended time together. On one side you have Sara and Daytona, now joined by Massimo, and then Numi. On the other side is 'everybody else' defaulting into their own group: Karma and Aziza, Ney belonged here, as does Wolf whenever he wanders in. If everybody is home, this split (for lack of a better term) doesn't matter all that much, but the second members from one group are absent, the remaining members often chose not to join up with the other lot. For example, if Karma is away, Aziza goes to B2, or if Sara is away, Numi stays in her room. Whoever moves in next is really important. If these new tenants are existing friends of any tenant already here, we can expect them to automatically align with a group and keep the split alive. B4 needs introduced tenants who don't know anybody, who will bridge the split - though there is a chance such tenants only end up defaulting into a third group of other leftover others. The closest B4 has to a bridge right now is a visiting Nadia or Dayana, who will interact with both 'sides'. The extreme solution would be total clear out - and that also won't guarantee 'one big family' of course, but at least the groups would be made up of new faces.
  21. Totally normal behaviour that. As soon as my friend comes over, we also strip down to our bras /sarcasm If Caroline is reading the thread she will be absolutely delighted by how many people she is duping with this faux-lesbian bullshit.
  22. She arrived at B2 with a small suitcase. On Sunday, she left with the suitcase and Nadia (who was immediately given a vacation notice). But Aziza then appeared back in B2 later that day and stayed the night. Karma joined her. Aziza and Karma then left with the case on Monday morning. A few hours later, Aziza once again returned to B2 for a short time. She left again and hasn't been seen in any apartment since.
  23. Hmm... two brand new accounts, both with the location set to Russia, posting negatively of Jade, in the exact same writing style, 8 minutes apart. Clearly it's the same person and they have now created a second account to be able to chat away to themselves after their first attempt to revive the thread for a Jade bashing session was laughed at. Do an IP check please @StnCld316 Confirm the painfully obvious.
  24. On average, it takes a woman seven attempts to leave an abusive relationship before finally being able to. But by all means go ahead and take the piss out one who hasn't yet got over the line.
  25. There were signs of renovations taking place while the cams were still on. Wallpaper was removed from some of the bedroom walls during the same weekend that Taco stayed. The walls were fine when Taco was dropped off, they were striped by the time he left. This may explain the short UMs of that weekend, which came right before the extended UM. What wasn't seen before the cams went off was any signs of Alberto packing. So it isn't clear if renovations are happening for him or for a new tenant - assuming renovations are actually happening, and assuming this is actually the cause of the UMs.
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