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  1. So Eris comes home tonight and is now already leaving again? Tssss 🤔 Like I said earlier: no respect for us viewers.
  2. Can't watch tonight unfortunately. Anyway, welcome back Eris!
  3. Maybe to make us think that something would happen with Hawk, could be yes.
  4. Good question.... Normally I would say because of the privacy of Sara, but Sara was at B5, so don't know.
  5. No, me neither lol. But Alessa is really a hottie, I wanna see more of her.
  6. Yes I am exaggerating lol, but I don't like it at all. I think it's a without respect to us.
  7. Well, it's certainly understandable if you can earn more money outside the apt that she stays away for so long, but it is a bit respectless towards us viewers of RLC. She is away for almost a week and it doesn't even show the vacation sign. Like: FO you all, I'll see you in a week.
  8. Since Vesna is away, the bating content is below zero. Maybe Alessa will bate again today?
  9. Now that was fantastic again, thank you Savaira! Your creativity is great, your bates are never the same, love it! 😍
  10. OMG, totally off the world, what kind of drugs has she taken?
  11. It could have been a bit more beautiful if Cassie didn't wear that ridiculous mask.
  12. It's going different: Alessa and Cassie will go in bath together.
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