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Everything posted by laptyratic

  1. sex now in bedroom but the night vision don't work. the quality video is very bad in this room
  2. sex now in living room but always maybe 3 mn riding and swallow for finish.and after some pussy licking. it's always very short sex with this couple and never see different scenario. un peu de sex dans le salon mais c'est toujours le même scenario avec eux. elle le chevauche pendant 3 mn et il jouie,et ensuite igor l'a leche pendant 10 mn. perso,il me saoule ce couple,je me desabonne.
  3. good sex last night (The image link associated with this comment is no longer available and has been removed). not many sex but good balls licking and swallow cum
  4. varya take shower and sexy lingerie but igor make just some pussy licking in living room. this guy is good just for lick pussy,not for fuck.he's soo stupid
  5. We are paying to get complete access into the life of 7, now 8 homes. To see the routine, or lack of, of their lives. If we don't pay, how can they afford to buy cams, mics, servers, houses, electric bill, food, etc... for us to see. Why it's not free. The !@#$%$% question and or statement I have heard on here. And I'm not a newbie so I have seen a lot. FYI, I use "!@#$%$%" in order not to get too personal on here and say the wrong thing. I call that restraint. And of course, this is only my opinion... maybe we can call vladimir poutine for pay that :)
  6. yes j know,it's not porn site but why it's not free !
  7. we pay 30 $ for see more in locked rooms,no for see new bored couple and leave always the house !! if it's for see nothing more interesting in locked rooms,rlc need to be totaly free! error casting again,fuckkk rlc. if it's not varya leave the house,it's igor.it's hard see this couple together for some fun. and when ther are together,igor is too bored,j don't see many love for igor to varya. he prefer stay look tv all night when she's alone in bed,stupid asshole igor. j see many time varya want some love with igor but nothing reaction. j think igor are not in love with varya (The image link associated with this comment is no longer available and has been removed).
  8. try talk with your mother if she can give you 30$ !!! hahahaha
  9. and now sleeping all the journey,pufff. this couple don't stay many time togheter in house. varya or igor leave always the appartment and don't sleep here. it's hard see some sex action if always leave the house. this couple is the bullshit.nothing interesting see in this appartment. maybe most bored couple now on rlc after max/lora and nora/kiko j understand now why all camera are locked
  10. thanks rlc for have put again one boring couple in new appartment ! varya is hot but the problem is igor(strange guy and bored similar kiko).not many fun in this appart again. j cancel my suscription,j wait next couple !
  11. if you don't have 30 $ in your bank for pay the acces rlc,j think there is a problem !!! everybody want acces for free!!! it's too easy. if everybody do that,rlc don't win money and close website!!! j don't think many guys want that.
  12. finaly some sex but just 2 mn penetration and he cum,pufff,we have again here a bad fucker similar paul. and after 15 mn pussy licking.
  13. return on bed and again stop,j think they are to shy for make sex on camera.some touch pussy but non nude,nothing interesting for this moment,return in kitchin. she want make sex but j see igor not very hard. after paul,we have again a nice asshole with igor!!!
  14. sex soon but camera 10 frozen,fuckk. they are on bed and start something and finaly stop for go in kitchen take coffee,very strange. this guy need some lessons.maybe sex later
  15. je repond en français pour mieux me faire comprendre. je pense que igor en a rien a foutre d'elle.il vit sa vie de son côté,je vois pas beaucoup d'amour entre eux. j'ai l'impression que varia est un peu sa bonne à tout faire,ya qu'a voir hier,il était même pas capable de se retourner pour chercher du lait et en plus il lui parlait comme de la merde.bref je sent qu'on pas pas trop s'éclater ici après s'il baise bien ,çà compensera,lol. mais bon ma première impression est qu'on c'est fait encore arnaqué avec ce nouveau couple,après paul on a un mec un peu bizarre avec igor maintenant.le pire c'est qu'il se telephone quand ils sont dans deux pieces differentes!!j'ai jamais vu çà.je sais pas comment rlc font leur casting mais il nous ramene pas toujours des perles surtout au niveau des mecs.perso,çà va me lasser très vite,j'ai fait un test d'un mois,on verra comment çà se passe mais pour le moment je suis bien deçu encore une fois.si çà se passe comme çà avec ce couple, je crois que je vais annuler mon abonnement et me contenter des quelques videos qui trainent ici.
  16. oui,je te confirme que la meilleur camera c'est à dire la camera 10 en bas du lit arrete pas de buguer dès qu'il y a du mouvement,je sens que sa va être horrible quand y aura de l'action. apparement quand c'est en night vision,çà rame pas mais quand c'est en couleur,là ya probleme. varya appelle igor pour aller au lit mais il veux pas venir,il m'a l'air bien con celui là encore
  17. j think in the party but j don't want that every night and sleep after all the journey. it's not very interesting see that life
  18. first day and fight !!! camera 10 in bedroom frozen !!! j don't like igor,it's very strange guy
  19. perfect position camera for see good sex :)
  20. thanks friedel,can you put screenshot for bedroom and bathroom?
  21. do you know if this new couple speak english? j'm tired understand nothing with russians couple or spanish I think they come from Moscow GMT+4 yes,it's russian couple again,it's the time on north russia.
  22. do you know if this new couple speak english? j'm tired understand nothing with russians couple or spanish
  23. new couple is online but all rooms is locked,what is that shit !!! j think it's again russian couple with that name igor and varyu or tchek. j want couple speak english !!
  24. sorry friedel but impossible find your videos on vk.com. j think it's because your facebook from germany and impossible connect for me because j from france.pls upload the video in uploadded.net or mediafire,thanks
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