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Everything posted by laptyratic

  1. oui,j'ai vu çà quel c'était changer dans les toilettes pour qu'on voit rien. je la sens mal cette fille,je vais attendre ce mois-ci pour voir ce quel vaut. on est pas prêt de la voir prochainement sous la douche si elle a se comportement
  2. j don't think,she's look very nervous on the camera. j wait this month for make my opinion with this girl
  3. yes,j think too or do sex outside appartment. j don't have good feeling with this girl,too stressed with the cameras
  4. she can shower somewhere else yes,it's possible go take shower and do sex outside appartmment. we see that soon but if she do that and do nothing on camera,j cancel my membership.
  5. you think how many days she can stay with no take shower? j think she wash her in toilet with out camera
  6. lol,she have change bra and panties outside camera angle in toilet with out shower
  7. mmm,j don't think,after sleeping 13 h last night,now she's sleep again. j think we can wait some days before see something nudity
  8. when you clean yourself? 2 days now with no shower,no panties change,no dress change. j think she's afraid show her nude body. j imagine sex activity is not for now!
  9. he guys,wait,it's just one day this couple are online. we can juge the sexual activity and nudity after one week
  10. they back in appart and the other guy is not here,it's good news. maybe some action this night
  11. this girl have energy,j like but we see this night if the other guy sleep again here. it's not very good for intimity if there is other guy live in appart too. we see that very soon but for the moment j like
  12. there is two guys and one girl,what is the scenario?
  13. j don't think new couple come after in this appartment but j'm happy if this couple come in new appartment with best cameras positions and quality.j think we see that very soon.j'm exciting
  14. look the message j have receveid by rlc: "Alina and Anton will move into a new apartment soon. Stay tuned!" it's good news for the new cameras positions!
  15. have you some pics for this new couple pls?
  16. yes,me too,j prefer wait some good or bad news here before maybe renew my suscription. j remember varya/igo was very bad couple
  17. who have some screen shot pls for this new couple or lesbians?j don't know
  18. there is new couple or lesbians couple.anyone have some screen shot for this new couple?
  19. je suis d'accord avec toi,après stephan qui est toujours sur le pc, maintenant c'est les deux.y-a rien d'interessant à voir dans cette appartement,comme les autres d'ailleurs. ne paye pas pour regarder cette merde,ce site se fou de notre gueule. reste à regarder les cameras qu'on a accès gratuitement,çà suffit largement tant que rlc ne changeront rien.
  20. yes,j agree with that,before it's stephan are always in computer and now it's alma too.nothing interesting now in this appart. don't pay for that shit,stay with the free cameras unlocked.
  21. look the answer the support rlc make me today: Unfortunately, we do not have any information about 'Alina and Anton' moving, sorry.
  22. two years in this appart!! fuck,it's too long,we need more turn over with the couples on rlc for more atractivity for members renew suscription.
  23. j'm happy if there is new couple come in here but if the cameras positions and the quality don't change for new couple,j don't renew my suscription!
  24. the quality video is not very good,it's pixelated.j prefer download original file on this forum or recording my videos!
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