I agree... Paul is useless.. He does nothing all day. Can't even make the bed he slept in all day let alone do anything else. He is so insecure. He does absolutely nothing all day but eat and leave messes for Leora to clean up. He can't even wash his own snack dishes! He has to be touching and prodding Leora every second she is home. He is a Lazy Bum with severe issues. Leora goes to work, comes home and cooks and bakes, cleans house, puts up with Paul's "manhandling" her all the time. She can do better and that's the truth. Leora go get another man. You are gorgeous, a little overkill on the hair twitching (a nervous habit I am sure), you have good work ethics. There are plenty of young men out there that would treat you far better, with more respect, and be better in the bed too!!!!! Stop crying and go get a better man (any man would be an improvement), you are better off without Paul!!!!!!!!!