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Everything posted by Dan1456

  1. Look closer at desk... believe she put a pink dildo/vibrator on it as she took her hand from her crotch!!!!
  2. LOLOL... the mutt just plopped himself damn near betweens Leora's legs as she was stroking the panties... Funny as hell the look on Leora's face!!!!!!! I was roaring... that dog has seen more, sniffed/smelled more, and layed next to Leora while she scratches her itch, than all of us combined, including in our dreams :-) :-) :-) That dog is the most notorious cock-blocker I have ever met!!!!!!!
  3. Efrim used to be in this VERY house with Diana....... His oversized violin used to be in the very same room they are in at this very moment :-)
  4. When is anyone going to do something about this?
  5. I have requested to be reinstated as a paid numerous times!!!!! I have been a paid member since Feb 13, 2014. My current PAID subscription expires Feb 13, 2016 @ 7pm (as can be verified by the ACTIVE status and expiration date in my profile. I have the bank recipt for the transaction (if needed) PLEASE REINSTATE MY ACCOUNT, for the fourth time!!!!!! Why do I have to keep requesting over and over again? Is it that difficult to get this accomplished? I don't usually nag much but this is ridiculous..... Prior post..... Re: Attachment Center Gone? « Reply #4 on: June 07, 2015, 05:43:23 PM » Quote It seems the old uploaded videos in the forums are missing. I see the words there, where the video link used to be, but the ".exe" portion is missing..... Is this only for me or all of us????
  6. It seems the old uploaded videos in the forums are missing. I see the words there, where the video link used to be, but the ".exe" portion is missing..... Is this only for me or all of us????
  7. What a treat..... You are gorgeous Rita... Thanks for sharing your perfect figure :) :) :) :) I will go to sleep a very happy man ;D
  8. What is wrong with those responsible for selecting people that live in the RLC houses lately!!!!! YOU SUCK!!!!!!! The last two couples are on the border of gay, hardly (if at all) have sex, sleep at different times and/or in different rooms, and are so young they don't know what to do with themselves let alone each other. You should screen your prospective occupants much better. As your choices reflect in the professionalism, respresent your concerns for keeping the customer satisfaction at a reasonable degree of fulfillment, afterall, it is thier money that pays you!!! RLC>>> Your choices of occupants is the worst ever!
  9. Doesn't the wood get damp and the possibility of fungus and bacteria when they put the wet dishes in the cupboards and drawers after washing them? I have noticed a few couples doing this and wonder if it laziness or were they actually taught that this is a good thing to do?
  10. Doesn't the wood get damp and the possibility of fungus and bacteria when they put the wet dishes in the cupboards and drawers? I have noticed a few couples doing this and wonder if it laziness or were they actually taught that this is a good thing to do?
  11. Perhaps she went somewhere, OK ANYWHERE ELSE!!!, seeking some excitement........ Just how many hours in a day can one spend playing games on LAPTOP, taking breaks for "piss in sink", a quick smoke, and to nuke a bite to eat!!!!!!! He hasn't paid much attention to her at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Could not agree more... This Apartment should have AKA name of "Drama Behind the Revoloving Door"!!!
  13. LOL I would have slept on couch, if the guest bed is full!!!
  14. I have paid sentinels, in Barcelona, and instructed them to wait for the green bottle to be discarded. They have orders to immediately place the bottle in a double zip-loc conatiner and return said bottle to me, here in the USA. I will then auction off the infamous green bottle, used numerous times under cover of darkness and behind closed blankets, to the highest bidder, thus allowng me to keep up with the price of premium service for the next couple of months, and overlook the declining motivation to remain a paid member here at RLC !!!!! :P ;D
  15. I have paid sentinels, in Barcelona, and instructed them to wait for the green bottle to be discarded. They have orders to immediately place the bottle in a double zip-loc conatiner and return said bottle to me, here in the USA. I will then auction off the infamous green bottle, used numerous times under cover of darkness and behind closed blankets, to the highest bidder, thus allowng me to keep up with the price of premium service for the next couple of months, and overlook the declining motivation to remain a paid member here at RLC !!!!! :P ;D
  16. I have paid sentinels, in Barcelona, and instructed them to wait for the green bottle to be discarded. They have orders to immediately place the bottle in a double zip-loc conatiner and return said bottle to me, here in the USA. I will then auction off the infamous green bottle, used numerous times under cover of darkness and behind closed blankets, to the highest bidder, thus allowng me to keep up with the price of premium service for the next couple of months, and overlook the declining motivation to remain a paid member here at RLC !!!!! :P ;D
  17. Hello, 1. We are pleased to present a new girl Rita. Check at reallifecam.com! 2. Kamila is leaving the project. We will present a replacement soon. New updates are coming. Stay tuned! REALLIFECAM.COM I am a subscriber to reallifecam.com... The message above was sent to me on e-mail. KAMILA IS ON THE WAY OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  18. I loveit when those lips hang down low like my shower curtain This girl Dominika is one of my favorites,just look at these lips mmhh :P :P :-* :-* That is one nice set of mud flaps DAMN!!!!!!!
  19. Digital camera has bluetooth connection to computer. they are already having fun taking pics... :-) :-)
  20. Those two need a bottle of wine to share on that bed!!!!!!!!!!
  21. WOW.. The largest and most amount of energy that I have displayed at any time today, throughout this whole house, was that of Nora trying to catch (kill) a fly (bug) with her bare hands HAHAHAHAHAHA... Any NINJA'S out there that give her some lessons? :-) :-) FYI: She missed both times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. MMMM... Wonder of the Magic Green Bottle is still beside the bed (behind the white bag) or under the blanket getting warmed up? :-) Oh well!! Good time for some dinner, then come back later, to see if Kamila wakes up frisky after she sleeps for a bit.... :-)
  23. Based on the quote above, I have determined why none of your previous messages, or "ideas and views" were not of much content and hardly met the definition of a full sentence, let alone have validity or real meaning. That determination is as follows. In your run on attempt to construct a paragraph or two of thoughts and views you did not use any punctuation, complete a full sentence, USED ALL CAPS, used bits and pieces of words without structure or grammar, and you do not know the difference between name calling and descriptive wording (childish is a description of the content) of your views. Had I meant to call you a child it would have been just that, "You are a child". That not being the case, I did not call you any names. I will now leave you now to your own demise, as any further discussion is futile. :-)
  24. Poison24... You registered here in CC on October 15, 2014 and you are considered a NEWBIE due to your 10 posts (LISTED BELOW) since October 2014, all of which have zero intellect with regards to content. Please refrain from posting comments until you can construct a sentence of more than a pubescent level. Thank you. All 10 of Poison24's Comments since October of 2014 1.1/31/2015 - it could be another whore house exploded from being to boring like this one. LOL 2 1/31/2015 - kiko is a freeloader he need to get a job and take care of his wife. 3. 2/2/2015 - adriana looks like a AMAZON woman she looks more manly than daniel short little mini mouse.LOL 4. 2/6/2015 - I don't care what they fight about i just want to see some tits and ass! 5. 2/18/2015 - I saw this movie i was sitting in the front row. 6. 3/12/2015 - who's the new chink girl? is that alina's sister? LOL i need more rice pussy in my diet YUMMY! 7. 3/14/2015 - this room smells like ass! 8. 3/16/2015 - IF YOU THINK NORA IS QUEEN BEE MAYBE YOU NEED TO WEAR HER THICK COKE BOTTLE GLASSES SO YOU CAN SEE WHAT IS BUZZING! LOL 9. 3/22/2015 - they need to kick nora's 4 eyes flat chest zit face out the door. 10. 3/27/2015 - Why does this room always get rid of the hot girls and keep Queen Ugly that cunt of a bitch nora ? Based on the childish, racial slurs (chink), name calling, demeaning, belittling, and absolute zero value for content messages, that you have contirbuted over the six month tenure of your membership here in CC, as annotated above, I would recommend removal of your account to any and all moderators. You serve no constructive purpose here AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Topless, string thong and NOT under the covers WOW!!!!!!
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