I mean Butch is always on the giving side, does she also recieves something, or she sometimes do the job for herself? I would like to see more of Butch, I think she has potential, and has a really nice looking face. One thing with me, is that I like butch lesbians with shord dark hair. I don't know why...
Getting warmed up on the couch right now!
Edit: They went in a bedroom while butch was spanking curly's ass
Edit2: They are in their bedroom. Butch on top (this is what I can see from the thumbnail as a free user :c )
Edit3: Strap-on time!
Currently I have a huge crush on a girl that looks exactly like Curly (well not exactly, my crush has a sigltly more "mass") but still similar) and god.... when I first saw Curly my heart just stopped. I know you guys don't really like her, but I'm constantly searching pictures of her for 4 hours now... can you guys drop me some pics very very please :)