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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. To be honest, I think Daniel KILLED the mood ONCE AGAIN ... the girls were having fun ... When , ONCE AND FOR ALL, will RLC ban that crap ??
  2. Can't believe Masha goes so low to be with that crap ! If he tries, better be in good shape !
  3. I've seen Fior left ... WHY didn't he bring Daniel with him ?? Je doesn't belong there for tonite ! Could have left the girls have their party by themselves
  4. Où vous êtes dans ce monde, je veux vous souhaiter à tous une bonne Année 2022 remplie de joie, bonheur et SANTÉ. Espérons que nous viendrons à bout de cette pandémie ... Message de la ville de Québec, Canada Wherever you are in this world, I wanna wish you a very Happy New Year 2022 full of joy, happiness and most of all, HEALTH ! LET'S get ris of this COVID ! This message comes from Quebec City, Canada
  5. Probably party in B2 with B1 and B5 ... And in B4 with Harley, Fiora AND the 2 losers !!
  6. Joyeux Noël de la merveilleuse ville de Québec !! Merry Christmas from the wonderful city of Québec City, Canada !! 🎉🎊🎁🎈
  7. Has anyone noticed something extraordinary is actually happening in B5 ?? Maksim is UP .. and TALKING with no cellphone in his hand !!! 😂😂
  8. When RLC asked Leia and her insignificant boyfriend to join the project and "fill a room", Maksim took it very seriously ! He fills a room ! 😉
  9. Not a bit !! Don't wanna hear from Bruno EVER ! Had enough of that crap !!
  10. Big suggestion for RLC ! Now that we know that Vamp ALWAYS appears in Fiora's life, why don't they move Harley in another appartment and leave them alone !! I would like to see Harley take Lorraine's place in B4, so she could be with Olivia/Ulyanna
  11. He CAN'T get out of his bed !! Never seen that before ! I really believe he is more in love with his phone than with Leia !
  12. I can't wait to see how Holly and Tweety will interact when she 'll come back ... And what about Radi ? Will she be jealous or will she try to join Holly to their games ?
  13. Still prefer Harley to Vamp with that view !! 😉😂
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