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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Maybe, but we all know what they are doing up there ...
  2. We all know he will stick there UNTIL he gets sex ! He will try on every girl !
  3. Don't know how that guy can STILL appear in any appartment ! He looks so dumb ! Sorry for his "fans"
  4. There is a Girl on the bed upstairs ... Oupssss. It is Mila ! Sorry 😉
  5. My suggestion would be: B1) Kick Mila OUT and move Kristy and Alana in B1 with Karol B2) Put Harley, Fiora, Olivia and Ulyanna in B2 B6) Close it !!
  6. When will RLC finally kick Mila OUT ? She doesn't want to be part of the project anymore ... It is time to give someone else take her place !!
  7. That is Exactly what I say ... Eating money, that's it ! No Reallife ( no emotions in GOV )
  8. Did RLC decide to move Harley , so she can have her own bedroom ?
  9. How can she have so much stuff in that bedroom ? Maybe she left the appartment where she was living and decided to live permanently in B4 ??
  10. OT: Olivia and Ulyanna still in B6 !! RLC should try to understand that they want to be ALL reunited together !! What are you waiting ??
  11. OT Did someone check Dantez and gf having sex ? Looks like Dantez is ALWAYS on Slow Motion Mode !! Real funny ...
  12. Prefer to watch this instead of B2 , and even B1, who do NOTHING !
  13. I know many will disagree, but I actually liked these four " entertaining us " with a nice " show" , because that is what is is... That is why they are paid for... So let's just enjoy it ... or change channel ...
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