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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. The girls are on the "playmood ". Why don't the guys leave ?
  2. Suggestion for tonight's party: in the master bedroom: Anna,Lola and Hannah In Mila's Room: Mila and Tereza ... In Lola's Room: Aaron and Timur !
  3. Anyway Aaron is in da house ! He will be everywhere the action will be... insisting on offering drinks to the girls ... and staying there ...
  4. Anna and Lola could take care of Timur while Mila will be gentle with Tereza
  5. Sad ending, once again ! Radi and Tesla could have been interesting, with the interactions they had in the last days !! .. Too bad ...
  6. He acts like as if Nana is his possession ! Vivian just put her hand on Nana's butt and Mr just removed it !
  7. He reminds me the bum living with Gina ! He was like that the first times we've seen him in B1 ...
  8. By the way, he is STILL JUST A GUESS !! He should consider him lucky to get the chance to sleep there ... If I can give him an advice: Don't push your luck !
  9. WTF is happening with Mila ?? It's not her 1st appearance in the project ! She gave us such memorable moments ! What is wrong with her ??
  10. Yesterday, Pam was trying to get Vivian to play with her ... She should switch to Tesla's room for a better chance of success !
  11. What we've seen between Radi and Tesla... Just hope now that we witness the same with Leora and Malia one day ...
  12. Sad that she had to go, I think she was willing to go further with Tesla... maybe next episode soon !!
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