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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. I'm sorry but I have to say it... I'm sick and tired of all the bullshit said about the "shows" ... YES IT IS SHOWS !! It is called "Girls on vacation" and they are here and hired to entertain us by giving us "shows, real or fake ones" ... You will have Reallife in the "Couples appartments or Roommates" ... If you are not happy, then go elsewhere ... Sorry again, it is not my nature to clash like that but I had to ... Agree or not, that's what I think, period ! So just ENJOY !
  2. Even if it goes slowly ( maybe it won't go anywhere else) but I like what I see ... Everyone seems so comfortable !
  3. I'd love to see Tesla, Nana and the twins though ... but I doubt about something could happen ... but who knows ?
  4. The only time we'll see the twins go a little naughtier is if drunk Gina comes to see them ... otherwise they will be quiet ... The problem is I don't want to see drunk Gina in B4 ... Enough is enough ...
  5. Even hope Anna and Mila will go finish in one of their rooms...
  6. Just heard what everybody's saying about them ... I don't wanna look at them at all
  7. Why did they put Stella in B1 ?? She is NEVER there and she blocks a room for a New Girl ... RLC should put her name in Gina's appartment... and rename that appartment "The Dope" !!
  8. Since they have their own appartment, I already told I'll never watch it ! And I still keep my promise !
  9. That guy is probably a gay Guy who just doesn't want to say it ! With all the girls he slept with since we see him in RLC, je doesn't play with any girl's boobs or pussy ... All he wants is their ass ... So he's gay ! Problem solved ! 😉
  10. They don't need to go to B4 ! They have their own appartment ... Plus I don't wanna see these guys at all ... even Gina ! Stay away from B4 !!
  11. Nelly's bathing suit is one of the worst I've ever seen ... So Ugly !
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