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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Even between them, they gave us nice shows ( Fiora, Ulyana, Olivia and Mimi ) ...
  2. The more I look at Alek, the more I like that girl ... maybe not the prettiest, but certainly the most sensual one ...
  3. Encore une belle soirée ... plate !! Once again, another boring night !! Thanks Bogdan ... 😡
  4. Just asking myself if Sera wasn't hired by RLC to MAKE SURE that NOTHING WILL EVER HAPPEN in B1!! Totally useless, no sex appeal at all!
  5. Boring as usual ... Feel sorry for Ariana, should not GET involved with Sera , she loses all her sexy mood !
  6. Serafima in action ... does what is the most important thing for her ... CLEANING !!
  7. So pathetic to watch Gina when Curly is around ... Totally submitted to him ... He is acting like the King of the House ... He is there for only 2 things: eat and fuck
  8. Sad to see how B1 became so boring ...We had so great parties in there ... if it is to stay like that, PLEASE DO US A FAVOR ... AND CLOSE IT !!
  9. B1 has become the worst appartment ... I submit my suggestion one more Time before it is too late : RLC, GET ARIANA OUT OF THERE AND MOVE HER TO B4 !!
  10. Anyway Sera is there, nothing will happen! Since her 1st appearance in the project, has anything happened when she is there?? The answer is a big NO!!
  11. And she is stuck to her phone .. she makes her social distancing ! 😂
  12. AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN!! Every time I look at B1, all I see is Radislava, legs in the air... Exercising and exercising... Girl, we all know you are the top shape girl... Now just DO SOMETHING ELSE!!!
  13. Thanks again Bogdan for ruining what could have been an interesting evening !! Please take care of Nelly un YOUR room and STAY There !! 😡
  14. Sorry, but Carlos looks really dumb ! We never know what he will do !!
  15. It is supposed to be " Girls on Vacation " ... Not Bogdan's Mansion ... Unless we were not advised
  16. Don't worry, it will never happen, just like the other do-nothing one...
  17. I found Radi's favorite song... Sheryl Crow's " All she wants to do is... train!!" she is totally useless. Please RLC get her out of there or move Ariana to B4 before she is "trained to do nothing by the other 2" ... So nobody will watch B1 ( anyway there is nothing to watch but Ariana)
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