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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Covid is not a joke at all ... Anybody who thinks it is should watch what it is happening on Planet Earth !! To whom that fights the Covid or have family members fighting it , I send you my prayers !! Take care everybody and be safe !!
  2. Seen a lot of Monica/Anita, Monica/Nica ... Was hotter than what she's doing with Amira and/or Amalia
  3. Just watched this week's dildo game between Amalia,Monica and Amira ... I wonder what Amalia thinks of these "little show" compared to what she has done with Pam, Daniela, Ariela and Damira ... I would like to see Amira and Monica go further ( Monica can )
  4. Ok let's see : 1) Holly and Elmira on the sofa 2) Amy with Ariana. 3) Megan with Gina
  5. So let's suppose: 3 bedrooms, 7 girls ... Let's say Serafima won't share , we have 6 girls, 2 beds ... I vote for 1) Holly,Ariana and Elmira and 2) Gina,Megan and Amy
  6. Personnaly, my top 5 would be: Monica, Jasmin, Amber, Gina and Megan ( not necessarily in that order ) ... I could add Damira, Martina as well
  7. Maybe RLC should ask the blonde guest to become a tenant ... This is the only way Serafima would do something ... and smile ...
  8. Just watched last night's party ... Other than doing NOTHING, what did Serafima do ?? NOTHING !!
  9. We can all see that Serafima is si interested ... by her phone instead of interacting with the others ! Sorry for her fans, I just can't !
  10. What the hell is Seranothing doing there ?? Looking at her in the kitchen makes me think she DOESN'T WANT TO PARTICIPATE !!
  11. What do RLC think for bringing back Seranothing ?? That is her 3rd stay and she has done NOTHING AT ALL !! Send her home and bring Damira back !! Now we'll be talking ...
  12. Now Amira's playing with Monica .. sexy oils and dildos!
  13. Holly with Ariana ! Could be interesting if they put their phones away !
  14. Just watched last night's mutual bating ... Head to head, they could have had a nice kiss , just to add a little more to their activities ! And why not a little pussy insert fingering ?
  15. Hope she will make better than the last time she was here...
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