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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Now that Monica is here, I'd love to see Nica coming back instead of Amira ... Few years ago, they had a long sensual night in B2, and also a very sexy bath in B4 ... Could be fun to see them continue ...
  2. Never thought it could be possible to see someone as addicted to her cellphone as Megan ... RLC has found another one : Ariana !! Very nice looking girl but ...
  3. The problem is that they don't live on Barcelona ... They come from Ukraine, Russian, etc... they are paid to entertain us ... like actresses ... And that's what they are ... Entertainers ... If they were living there, they wouldn't get glued to their phones like Megan ...
  4. Now that Monica is back, we will have a totally new Milena... Just see the difference since yesterday, how excited she was when Monica arrived ... Maybe the best is yet to come ...
  5. It will always be " shows" ! They are paid for that .. unless they are in " couples Category", that is what we'll have in GOV ... So, what we had in B2 is EXACTLY what we are supposed to have from the tenants ! So let's enjoy ...
  6. Never seen Milena so excited ... She was way much happier to see Monica than her own bf ! 😀
  7. I think Damira is coming back and will take the master bedroom upstairs ...
  8. If Amira comes in B2, I would prefer Monica taking the big bedroom instead of Amira ...
  9. Nothing again Amira, but she doesn't deserve to get the big bedroom ... She hasn't done anything to deserve it ...
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