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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Looking at the girls in the kitchen ... Olya takes some chances showing her butt to Salma !! 😂😂
  2. What's wrong with that room ?? Not even 10 pm and the three girls already to bed !! Please RLC, do something ! What a WASTE !
  3. Salma's victims since her first time : Dalia, Anita, Blair, Adelita, Lorraine... Not that bad !
  4. I'm amazed to see how easy it is for Salma to get what she wants ... Even with Lorraine ! She does what she wants , for our benefit ... She already licked Adelita, Lorraine ... Next step is Olya and Ariela in the big bedroom upstairs ... And for dessert, Grace ( but I doubt she will be able to approach her )
  5. Why don't they ask Salma to join them ... She is always apart of the others ...
  6. Ariela, if you want fun... Go see Salma, she will please you ... Or go back to B1 to join Daniela
  7. Can't argue, my volume was off ... Just insinuated...
  8. Think Daniela is talking to Ariela, who is dildo bating
  9. Hope Daniela will pay a visit at Ariela in B4 ...
  10. Just a question : Did something happen between Daniela and the girls ? She has been in her bed since yesterday ... Maybe she misses Ariela ?
  11. Salma in her room ... she is alone ... So Lorraine is probably with Blair
  12. Just to correct... Maybe it has been done ... Was not Alma but Irma !
  13. By the names of the girls living there at the moment
  14. Just watched last night show ... I'd love to see round 2 in B4, Ariela's bedroom with the good angle cams ... Especially Ariela and Daniela ...
  15. Does she have something else to wear other than her pink outfit ?
  16. Is Tori afraid of the cams ? Always hiding somewhere !! She just moved the chair in the window area where we can't see her in B2...
  17. Think Ariela is not done yet ... She wants some more ... Let's wait
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