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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. What we've seen from Karol and Leia tonite was amazing ... Dream if it was happening with Kami and Kaley as well ... but I have a doubt ! :-)
  2. Bizarre quand même que c'est au moment que tous attendent de voir que les reprises ne fonctionneront pas "encore" ... Strange that what evrerybody's waiting for a long tome won't be available for replays ... Lucky guys who had the chance to see, the others , too bad , even when you pay for replay Option ! Starting to get pissed ... Hope RLC will do something for their subscribers !
  3. And don't forget the bedroom session in B1 with Regina and Sher, who ate one of the twin's pussy ! and the other was kissing Regina ... I think it was the only time ...
  4. I agree with you ... would prefer to see Rosemary coming back with Jasmin ! Would be awesome !
  5. I think they went outside to finish what we are waiting to see ... Leia brought pillows and cover
  6. I've noticed that Luci and Kust are gone... Is it possible that RLC got tired of seeing Luci passing out night after night ?
  7. Just watched the replay where Nicole bated on her bed around 19h30 .... it was awesome ! In my wildest dreams, I'd love to see Nicole having fun with Neia or Beatrice ...
  8. Glad to see Karol who seems very happy with her BF ... but in the same time, sad to see that she doesn't interact with the other girls anymore !
  9. in that case, please give back Nicole the big bedroom ... at least, we cojld have a chance to see something
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