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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. To be honest, I still wonder what Zlata is doing in RLC Project ? She's doing absolutely nothing, all her days are on the couch and/or the bed... she looks nice, but that's all
  2. Why RLC keeps Lola in B2 ? She does absolutely nothing , she's been here way too long ! Please send her home ! We need new faces or at least girls who want to participate in the project and have fun in the appartment , dancing, teasing, even little shows (fake or real)
  3. Is it possible that RLC rents another appartment in the same area for their private moments ? just wondering
  4. About what we've seen in B1, was afraid it would happen.... Don't think Renata will be as friendly as she was, unfortunately ...
  5. It would be unfair if Regina tries to get Renata's attention the minute Tereza leaves...
  6. How funny it is to see the big guy in B2,,,¸... He is probably asking himself : " WTF am I doing here ? " :-) Lola keeps making her ridiculous dance moves again, thinking she's hot ! Pathetic !
  7. Is there someone at RLC who finds Lola so interesting that they keep her in B2 ? I can't believe they allow her to stay there ! She does absolutely nothing to make it interesting to watch ? The whole crew has to be out and this appartment needs fresh air , or ancient favorites of all... Who can it be ? For me, it could be: cams 7-8 Rosemary and Jasmin... Cams 11-12 Megan and/or Rebecca... and cams 13-14 , that could be Jessica or Karol
  8. RLC, please change B2 ... We were so used to have good times in that appartment... Now it is so boring ! Change all the tenants, bring back Karol, Megan, Rebecca, Jessica , Irma , Belle ( you have choice) ...
  9. just a question to you, guys: Is it just me to have big black dots on the screen ? we were used to lighter ones
  10. Even if it is scripted ... better to watch scripted shows than empty appartments because they're outside !
  11. If Irina is only on visit for a week, like some members tell , RLC should seriously consider her as a tenant ... Very pretty, very comfortable with the cams, she could easily take Lola's place ... I vote for her to stay
  12. What I mean is that it is not natural, so staged ... she thinks she's hot , but she is a "has been" ... Since the time she is here, it is always the same thing...
  13. There we are ... Instead of looking at nice girls having fun ... we'll have Pathetic Lola's fake dancing ! Bravo Lola !
  14. Don't worry, my friend ... as soon as Lola arrives, there won't be anymore sharing ... As usual, she will break the mood !
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