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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. What I mean is that it is not natural, so staged ... she thinks she's hot , but she is a "has been" ... Since the time she is here, it is always the same thing...
  2. There we are ... Instead of looking at nice girls having fun ... we'll have Pathetic Lola's fake dancing ! Bravo Lola !
  3. Don't worry, my friend ... as soon as Lola arrives, there won't be anymore sharing ... As usual, she will break the mood !
  4. At least, we have to admit that Vasilisa and Irina seem to be party girls ... maybe we'll have what we want ... girls partying in the appartment !
  5. It is pathetic to think that when she will arrive, Lola will take the lead , make her stupid sexy moves, try to tease the guys ... and the party will end like that !
  6. Just a question: Why RLC doesn't include the RLC Replay for the members who take the premium option at 44.95$/month ? I think it would be very fair ...
  7. I miss the time where I was used to see in the RLC Replay, B1 and B2 always in most watchable cams, when there was a lot of action and/or activities. It was so fun to watch. Since a month or two, since Rosie and Jasmin left, nothing exciting to watch, except Sofie ! These rooms became very boring... Too bad ! RLC should have in their contracts with the girla that they should spend more hours in the appartments. If they leave, we pay to watch 4 walls , which is way too expensive ... Anyone agrees ?
  8. Not at all, but I thought that the girls are supposed to entertain us , not hiding from us , and they are paid to ... Maybe I'm wrong, but ...
  9. Maybe I've missed something when I was younger, but I don't remember someone told me that bedroom tenting was "real" or "normal" ... Somebody has an answer ? :-)
  10. Poor Guys, they don't know Lola... she will tease them again and again ... and when it should be time to go for it, she will turn them off, as always... Same boring dance moves... Really pathetic
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