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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Question for everybody : Does someone know WHY Lara has been hired ?
  2. The problem, it is NOT the ones that should leave !
  3. We have a hell of a CAST with Lara, Sera, Yana and Zhanna !
  4. All she does is watching her laptop !! No interactions with anybody ! NOTHING !
  5. Qqn peut m'expliquer pourquoi Lavi et Karina quittent alors que Lara, qui ne doit rien, reste ! Someone can explain WHY Lavi and Karina leave while the DO-NOTHING Lara stays ? Don't understand RLC !
  6. It was the first ( and only one ) by an actual B1 tenant since January 1st ! So desperate !!
  7. I think B1 is the ONLY appartment in the whole RLC project where NO tenant bates, even just once !!
  8. I would love to see Tani " initiate " Zara to the same game she played with Brittney last night ... Tani and Zara ! 😍 I'm sure it will not happen but ...
  9. I liked the little party in the LR last night... Girls were having fun, good atmosphere... Liked that Zara and Dana were more social and participated... And seemed to enjoy ...
  10. Will Tani and Brittney go a little further ? First time I see them close like that !
  11. Dana is to Zara what Timur is to Tereza. ! Always by her side, doesn't let her space
  12. Oohhhh ... Sorry to disturb you ... Ppffff ...
  13. It would be just awesome if W's redhead friend could come and visit her ...
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