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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Why don't they just stay in B7 and do their stuff on their BIG LR ???
  2. B7 SHOULD BE KICKED OUT, PERIOD !! Anyway, they are ALWAYS in B4 ! And I really think BOGDAN AND NELLY ARE THE MAIN PROBLEM ON THIS SITE !! They are just happy to have a place to stay for free !
  3. I just took my decision ... My subscription expires at the end of March ... After that , for the 1st time since 2014, I'm cancelling my membership as a RLC customer ... It has become a JOKE ! They really DON'T CARE ABOUT THEIR CUSTOMERS ... AND THEY ARE LAUGHING AT US ! That's it, I have enough of this !!
  4. On the LR : 6 Persons ... 4 from B7, one BANNED Miron and Aziza !! WTF is going on here ??
  5. I wrote as well !! NELLY AND BOGDAN MUST BE KICKED OUT ASAP !!!
  6. So we have ANOTHER guy in the project ?? Obviously, RLC has no problems hiring guys instead of girls ... Don't agree with them ... Wish this would be as easy to find girls !!
  7. There is NOTHING to comment ... It is Sera "living" there... As long as she'll be in, we won't have any activity or party ... ALL she does is looking at her cell, and cleaning ( so exciting ) ... She's been in the project for many years now ... And W's Friend had done MORE in three hours than Sera for all the time she's been here... NOTHING to add
  8. Not sûre but I think Alsu and Tani mutual bate each other or scissoring
  9. It has been a long Time since we saw Tani smiling and having fun with someone else !!
  10. Nelly should stay with Kimberley in B7 and start the " Fake Boobs Villa Club "
  11. I am really disappointed by Brittney ... I thought she was more " party Girl " than that ... Moving to B4 gave us hopes but ... Still WAITING for something to happen
  12. Exactly what happened ! The ONLY ONE who was upset was TIM !! And that was the END of Tani having fun , if it was not with him ( he acts like Tani is his possession )
  13. We already had one !! Why not a reference to her hair color ... I suggest " REDDITA " !
  14. I must say that before this year, I never thought Karina would have kept an appartment "Alive" ... Some tenants should follow the same example ! ( Beginning with B1 tenants !! )
  15. LARA !! WHAT A FAILURE !! Does RLC know ?? She is WORSE than SERA !! ( THAT SAYS A LOT )
  16. C'est à ce moment là que TOUT a changé ! Lors de la soirée Taylor/Tani/ Lilith, Tani commençait à apprécier lorsque TIM EST ARRIVÉ, on a vu SA RÉACTION et à partir de ce moment, TIM s'est IMPOSÉ et Tani n'a plus jamais été la même ... Et l'autre différence entre cette soirée et celle de Miron/Lilith , c'est que Tani était CONSCIENTE alors que Lilith était tellement saoule qu'elle dormait et que Miron a PROFITÉ d'elle , sachant probablement qu'elle n'aurait PAS voulu !!
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