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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Why does Anthony KEEP going on girls's bedroom ?? He is NOT interested by Kimberley !! So get OFF !!
  2. Anthony doing his "dumb" show once again ... Thinking he is Mr Irresistible !!
  3. A question for you all ... Is it possible that Sera and Zhanna have ALL their REAL LIFE in their own appartment in Barcelona, that RLC knows about it and does NOTHING about that ?
  4. OT. Carla and Yanai having a threesome ... And it is hot !!
  5. Aziza is a great dancer , as good as Zara ... They should prepare a sexy duo !
  6. Why is Aziza crying on her bed ?? Had bad news or what ??
  7. Looking at Aziza, Tani and Brittney together ... Would be great to watch them " play together " !
  8. Dana ! Another DO-NOTHING girl !! Always on her bed ... Didn't change since her preview stays !!
  9. Anywhere, anytime ! RLC, you have lots of options to put them back !! B1 , B2, B4, B5 when T/T leaves, B7 instead of the guys ... Come on RLC ! Sign them again !!
  10. Is Dana the Sera of B4 ?? Trying to control her friend ?
  11. Not the first time ... Dans is always checking Zara ... I'm sure Zara would be more fun and opened if Dana was not there
  12. Looks like it ... Never saw her ... But we should't worry ... Probably a friend of Sera ! So let's see and give her a chance !
  13. Think Anthony could make a nice couple with ... Grisha !! 😉😂
  14. Happy to see Zara back, but TBH, I would have prefered to see her alone... I think Dana will stop her to go too far if it becomes interesting !
  15. Sera !! Sera !! Having her "traditional legendary position" in her bed ALWAYS puts her TOP THUMBNAIL ( without doing ANYTHING ) DON'T UNDERSTAND! She must have relations with RLC Management !
  16. So happy to see Zara back !! Will be so much better than Rani AND Elettra !!
  17. I give you for Alsu ... She could be fun, but depends with who ... For Sera and Lara, it is a " lost cause " ! They must leave ...
  18. I still prefer watch bullshit fake lesbian shows, as you said, than watch a DO-NOTHING GIRL like Serafina, Raniya, Lara and even Alsu ! At least, we have something to watch ... Anyway, they are hired to ENTERTAIN us ... In the B'S appartments, you'll NEVER have Reallife , if we compare to Karol/Kos, Martina/,Alberto, Kathy/ Adam or the others who LIVE THEIR REAL LIFE !!
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