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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Fat doesn't bother me ... Attitude and behaviour in their case ! They could leave, I won't be disappointed at all !
  2. I can't stand K/R anymore ... Total lack of respect for the others !! They should stay in B5 !!
  3. Once again, Kylie making her show, telling everybody how hot both her and Rus are hot !! But don't touch my man !!
  4. Now that Holly is homme, I can't wait to see what will be Thor's actions ? Holly ?? Zara ?? Kristy ??
  5. Just like that, could Radi come back with Cecilia and have the Villa's Master Bedroom Upstairs ?
  6. To me, there is no surprise with Eva's behaviour ... When she was with Sam , they had a lot of girls in their bed for massage and sex ... It happened in many occasions , so it is not a surprise for me ... Will probably happen the same thing in Masha's appartment with Sam ...
  7. Samson should have a " name change " ... From Samson to "Blue Balls Hulk" ! What do you think ??
  8. Since few days, I'm watching Zara and she became my new #1 ! I'm sure she'll be the new RLC superstar ! Still looks naive, but more and more, she loosens up ... I'll keep watching her ...
  9. Please someone ! Tell Zara to get away from el Moron !!
  10. Looking at Zara ! 😍😍😍 My NEW favorite !! Think we could have more from her, if Dana wasn't always stuck to her ..
  11. Party today ! Marvel theme with a New character: El Moron ! 😂
  12. WTF is he STILL doing there ?? Oh yeah ! Party ... And alcohol ! Sorry for His fans ( if he has some ) ... But I just can't stand him !
  13. Zara !! 😍😍😍 So damn sexy ! And what a nice body she has !!
  14. A little respect could be appreciated, my friend ! If you don't like, just don't watch !
  15. Samson talking and talking ... and talking ... RLC should change his name as Gino !! 😉🤣
  16. Was just a thinking ! Room big enough , was what I thought !
  17. I think ( maybe I'm wrong ) but Alexandra and Lucian could install their headquarters in the master bedroom in the Villa ( Luna's Room ) and install her in Tweety's old room
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