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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. BTW, WELCOME to Dana and Zara ! Two very nice girls, " NEW" girls !!!
  2. Wonder how long it will take before we see Lorraine bitching on them . Let's watch the whispering ...
  3. Wow ! 5 out of 8 left since yesterday !! We now have 3 , including the worst one ( Lorraine ) ... Really hope they will be replaced soon ...
  4. How can EVERYBODY leave and we are STILL STUCK with Lorraine ?? Don't understand ...
  5. Why is Lorraine still there ?? SHE is the one that should have left ... She does NOTHING, is the one responsable for all the mess we had in B4 , ALWAYS whispering to the others ... She is BULLSHIT !!
  6. Would prefer to see Lorraine leave than Fiora !! Think she is the bad apple in the basket ...
  7. WTF is Radi doing outside ? I think it is time Cecilia takes her place ( which she's been doing since quite some time ) Don't think Radi wants to participate anymore with B4 !!
  8. Don't understand Radi ... She has someone beside her who she can play with, and instead, she is on her phone ???
  9. I really love Cecilia ... So natural, amazing body ... A non tenant who gives us more than actual regular tenants ! WHEN will RLC give her a room ASAP ... We deserve a girl like Cecilia !
  10. Could be a funny situation if Radi arrives in B4, goes to her room and Cecilia was having sex in her bed ...
  11. Why Radi has ALWAYS to be naked ?? Can't she dress herself ?
  12. Anyway, B5 is supposed to be a "couples appartment" ... Unless she has somebody living there , she shouldn't be there ... Look what happened with Tata ... Always isolated from the others ...
  13. Message for RLC: If Radi doesn't want to stay in B4 anymore, AND you want to keep her, then move her elsewhere and give the room to someone else ...
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