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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Alberto and Bogdan don't treat it like anything because they know why they are doing it in the first place. Now, could it develop into some kind of mutual love for each other, sure it could but the bottom line is it's to help the overall ratings and numbers that RLC views each month, if not weekly. In your last paragraph you asked a question....."But what about Nelly & Martina? The answer is simple, Martina is detached from B4 in a separate apartment. Therefore it makes more sense for Nelly to hook up with another girl than to shit where she eats. Don't you find it strange how just out of the blue, one day Martina just magically appears in B4? It was to setup what is happening today and I firmly believe that. Like I've said before, it's one opinion vs. another, apples to oranges, Ford vs. Ferrari, you have yours and I have mine. Based on what I've seen since the start of RLC and until now, I fully understand how RLC works and I know a lot about the tenants that you will never know. I know every square inch of the villa but I can't say that about other apartments as they came into being after I quit watching RLC. Have a good day!!
  2. P.S. Also, it's for them to be able to wear T-Shirts that say "Porno" or "Lazy But Rich".....you have to admit, if your willing to plaster your naked body all over the internet by choice, your bank account is not going to suffer!!
  3. I thought you were a pretty smart lady but I can see that you still don't have this whole RLC concept figured out yet. Yes, I'm sure what M&N are doing looks real and probably full of passion considering N is one of the biggest showboats on RLC.....everything to extreme drama with her no doubt. You have to realize that regardless of what numbers any website shows for RLC, they're hurting big time. These two are doing what they are doing, trying to save a sinking ship. Don't be fooled into believing for one second that it is "real" love or lust. By now, just from what I've read of every time they have been together, they are doing it for the cameras and trying to save or help save RLC which is in financial troubles. Think what you want, but they are just good actors!!
  4. From what I've read over the years.....I think you are spot on!!
  5. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply but I felt like I had to poot and I wasn't sure about it and didn't want it to turn out to be more prudent, so I had to rush to the bathroom LOL. First off, who will never go out? Who will be friends with those you have already seen? As for being accompanied by a veteran girl, that's absolutely the worst thing that could happen. They need new girls with fresh new ideas or just girls that really want to just be themselves. The RLC shows are repetitive, monotonous, and stupidly fake for the most part. Haven't you seen enough BS massages to last you a life time? Haven't you seen enough drug filled, alcohol filled, ridiculous, drawn out parties to last you a life time? They need fresh people with fresh faces with fresh bodies and with fresh ideas. Not people from the sanctuary that are given a debriefing of what to do and what not to do. Haven't you seen enough girls that are whispering with a language that maybe 1% of the viewers can even understand? Haven't you seen enough drug use on RLC to last you for the rest of your life? Anyway, it's just my silly thoughts on the matter!!
  6. RLC is dead regardless of what time they turn into bed. It's like you meeting a woman for the first time and due to your lucky shirt, you hit it off big time. Does that mean you should wear the same shirt for the next 5, 6, or 7 meet ups? Hopefully not LMAO....it's the same with RLC when it comes to all these repeats. There is not one person on this forum that can be totally honest and tell me that what I'm saying isn't true. It's like passing the same billboard with the same drawing or message on it, dad after day after freaking day. These girls are stale and they need the whole site to be refreshed with new people, and I'm talking about new people that none of them know. Not people from their little sanctuary of friends that inhabit a portion of Barcelona. RLC needs to get off their butts and put their feet on the pavement to solicit brand new people!!
  7. I'm not destitute my friend LOL. I have plenty of money and the only subscription I would order if they were to start fucking, would be a one month subscription to "Get Fucking Real" magazine!!!
  8. Let me know when they start fucking and i'll order up a one month subscription!!
  9. You've got to be shitting me? On the other hand though, she is a showgirl and since Bogdan won't show his true colors on camera, she had to go somewhere and Anthony is about as good as it gets LMAO
  10. should leave and be replaced by brand new, fresh talent!! girls that don't know any of them!!!
  11. If she is seriously trying to get pregnant, she shouldn't be drinking or doing drugs in the first place!!
  12. Horror movies are my favorite and there are a bunch of them on Tubi. You are correct that the majority of the movies aren't recent but it's always good to watch something that you watched years ago!! Tubi is "A" OK in my book!!
  13. LOL you're a lost cause! They have to be able to take the good with the bad Woody. It's the nature of the business!! Just read Gina's new shirt, it will explain it all !!!
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