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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. daerjohn2015 said... "We won't recognize them, but what if they start a relationship. Are they going to tell their boyfriend the truth about how they used to spend their days?" We already know that they lie to there boyfriends back home, so to answer your question....I highly doubt it!!
  2. There is "No" + icon on a closed thread....one would think you would know this being the premium member that you are!!
  3. One can only hope.......sorry, that was mean, I hope she's not pregnant!!
  4. ddhm said... "I totally agree , we just study the case of moral thoughts that we all have I think ." You better think again boy blunder....very few of you have any morals so there is no way in hell you could have moral thoughts!!
  5. Well, before I could finish "GOV B4 2021 #38" it was closed for posting so I guess I will have to do a lot of copying and pasting if I have something to say. so i will start with JenniferMom... She said "It's obvious now that Bogdan fully knows and respects Nelly's adventurous relationship with Martina." It doesn't matter what he knows or respects....it's fucking WRONG!!
  6. Without completely catching up, with 20 pages to go, this is where I have to chime in. I was told the party was complete shit. It was just like any other dysfunctional party that has been thrown in the villa. The whole predator thing from Masha was fully expected when I read she would be in attendance. If I have to hear Costa049's declaration of love for Claire and Carlos one more time, I think I will throw up. DDHM's love for cock is totally confirmed! DDHM is the most wishy washy person on this forum and misconstrues everything to fit his agenda. Megan....poor little innocent Megan, with all the drugs and alcohol consumed last night, she was ready to pounce on the right person if given a chance. Luckily for her, nothing came of it....but I'm sure Rocco would have been proud of his little princess none the less!! Cesar and his friends should be banned from RLC. Cesar is a drug pusher and deviates from the law all he can. A "REAL" class act piece of shit that one is!! His friends are just like him....Zac saying, fuck the police is a prime example!! Every time he is involved with these parties and or shows, whichever you want to label them as, he has to bring his fucked up friends who are only there because Cesar has told them that these girls are easy....put some drugs in them and then spread their legs, it's that simple!! Class act shit head!! A sad read how encouraging a lot of you were with one of them fucking Pam or even princess Monica for that matter....Pam didn't fuck when Amalia had her fuck toy with her last time and she ain't going to do it this time unless her "REAL" boyfriend show's up!! Monica seems to like fucking off camera the most or while an apartment is under maintenance!! Miscvoyeur said one thing I agreed with and I'll be damned if I can remember what that was....oh yeah, it had something to do with "fuck all" happening as others were in relationships or certain girls have done "fuck all" since they've been on RLC! You were right about that post Miscvoyeur. The whole group of you that still think Bogdan is a Saint is really getting ridiculous. Bogdan is only a Saint in front of the camera's because with his new job description, he fucking has to be!! Those of you that think he hasn't had his cake and ate it too, are nutszoid!! The biggest bummer that I read is that the sleaze ball Masha didn't buy a return ticket!! What does that mean actually? Well for starters it could mean that for all of you that want to see Babi in her own apartment, your wish may come true. How much easier would it be for RLC to add Masha's name to B4 and rename Masha's to Babi's apartment. It also means that there will be more and more bullshit shows while Masha is in B4, both at B4 and "Babi's place"!! The cops showing up was a failure because they didn't complete their job and fine/throw everyone of their sorry asses in jail during this pandemic. Those of you that support this kind of thing in times like this should be thrown in jail with them!! The only thing good that comes out of these parties, is to see how many pages can be filled up!! Overall summation....👎 👎
  7. She's...as we say down here in the South, "A Lost Cause"! Now, if you will excuse me, I probably have 100 plus pages to read of the great B4 party from last night and I have it all to do before lunch......tootles!
  8. Let me put it to you this way KP.....if you are a person that is loose with your body, loves booze & drugs, wouldn't you be a person that would be happier in B4....B4 = Drug House/Fake House/Flop House!!!
  9. The minute she set foot in B4 was the minute I wrote her off as fan!
  10. Yeah....his mind for allowing it to happen in the first damn place!
  11. She's a blundering, predator idiot who thinks the only thing that makes a man is an enormous cock!! My prediction....she will remain single for the rest of her pathetic life!!
  12. Way to early to tell Rangnar, from the way RLC is changing out their underwear at the moment, she has 9 more months to prove you wrong
  13. LMAO...now that's funny!! Let's see, I don't like guys in the apartments, I don't watch hetero sex, I only would want to watch two girls in action or single girls....what in the hell makes you say such a funny thing!! OH, and I only know English with a little bit of Spanish thrown it and that's just for survival reasons LMAO.
  14. Personally, I don't believe either of them have a job and especially not a pilot and flight attendant job. There is work for pilots and flight attendants even during this pandemic. It's just like everybody thinking that the last time Amalia was here, that the guy she got involved in all the shows was her boyfriend. Maybe 2% of these girls have an actual boyfriend when they come on to RLC. The rest of the guys are just props/fuck buddies in the adult business, if you will allow me to say.
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