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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. There will be nothing exciting about it!! You will see them all scurry to the entry floor balcony off Megan's room and position the cam blockers so they can do their drugs. Then you might see some kind of BS games and drunk/drugged up people and then off to separate rooms for some much needed sleep. This might continue for a couple of days and then they will all be spent and needing much downtime. Same song, second verse, which is exactly like the first!!
  2. Thank you SR, I couldn't have said it any better myself!!
  3. It's just funny how many times I've read where one of the viewers mentions something they should think about doing and the next thing I know, I read it in the forum. As for Radi moving her bed closer, from the sounds of it, it sounds like it's already pretty close to cam 16.
  4. Have they brought the new apartment online you said was coming? I haven't read anything about it or I missed it.
  5. RLC's total lack of respect for their viewership!! Their yacht need more diesel, they had to cut cost's somewhere
  6. LOL you know that I have serious medical complications, I don't watch any TV unless there is some sporting event I care to see, I've just about been to the end of the internet and back, YouTube is a godsend, and then there are the funny pages of CC....so I guess you're stuck with me in my free time!!
  7. They no longer have any impact in my life and haven't for over 4 years now, other than what I read on this totally biased forum!!
  8. For what? Why do I deserve any time outside the forum? I could give you numerous examples of people that are far worse with their words than I am with mine!!
  9. All things RLC are a joke these days!! Would be the best thing for you!!
  10. It's hypocritical to think that if her name is given in front of a camera that it can't be repeated on the forum. I thought the forum was for anything said or done in front of the camera's was fair game.....hmmm, guess I was wrong!!
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