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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I totally agree with Sergio, Martina was with N&B last night and from what I read while catching up, she is probably with them again right now. Poor Alberto, poor Anthony, those guys don't have a clue what is hitting them square in the face!!
  2. Everything went as planned by all participants in the B5 show last night. It was said that Radislava waved goodbye just before she went out the door at B5 this morning. If that doesn't spell it all out to y'all nothing will. The question is, just how long has this get together and the replacement of Monica been in the works? Like I posted awhile back when C&C were at B1 the other night, you all will see Radislava's true side come out and it started that night, and last night just proves my point!! Radislava is for sure....multiple screws shy of a complete box!!
  3. I hear that Loraine is always absent leaving Anthony at the apartment. I said it early in the beginning and I'm not going to waver on the fact that Loraine is fucking someone else outside the apartment and Anthony knows it. I think you would be having as hard a time as Anthony is with maintaining and erection when you know your girl is fucking somebody else......of course this is second hand from someone else but I firmly believe him after the night that shy brought coke head toy boy back to the villa.
  4. Everybody that has an addiction, enjoys said addiction or else they wouldn't be addicted in the first place! Casdesire is right though, addictions are very unhealthy and many of you eat, sleep, and drink RLC on a daily basis, all anyone had to do is read the forum to see that!!
  5. Welcome to the forum @Kardinalli and only you know whats right for you. I also would like to know why Lookwarm says Holly stabbed her in the back. I don't seem to remember reading anything about that on the forum. "Class" is far more than what these girls have IMO. Sure, they can be bubbly and have unique personalities but "Class" is in a league by itself IMHO. At any rate, it was a good post whether I agree with that part of it or not. Have a good day!!
  6. So, is Megan hooked on weed or whatever they were smoking? WTG N&B, you now have another tenant hooked on drugs!!
  7. Hell, I didn't notice that either lol.....I guess it's just been too long since I have subbed to RLC but good advice none the less Spanky!!
  8. Welcome to the fire!! How did Holly stab Aleksandra in the back, if you don't mind me asking? I'll have to take your word for the touch of class part because I don't waste my money on RLC anymore. So you consider Aleksandra to be class, that's interesting because I don't know one classy lady that would wear a costume with her tit/tits on display to a party.....just sayin!! I also don't know one lady that would traipse around the house with no clothes on, open the double doors to the living room, knowing Butthead Bogdan is in there and shows him the goods. Of course I think you can throw classy out the window because of what these girls do for a living.....no class about it IMHO. Yours and mine definition of classy are 180 deg from each other. Have a good day and welcome to the forum!!
  9. Now that I'm caught up I will leave it to y'all.....I need a cigarette and I don't even smoke cigarettes that is LOL
  10. She has to get caught up on the funny pages to see how she should proceed with the night
  11. Where is this notice that i should have read in the first place?
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