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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Serafima is using Ariana in her outside interests. Radislava doesn't want any part of what Serafima and Ariana are doing outside the apartment. I'm sorry to say but Radislava will lose this battle because Ariana is locked in tight with Serafima!
  2. They should be because nobody in Spain gives a rats ass about the Covid-19 virus!!
  3. The most accurate thing you have said in a long time!! However, I just caught up on the B1 thread and Oksi is back...another fucking repeat and I saw where you was all ecstatic over it. No wonder they just keep bringing back repeats after repeats!! There was a girl staying in B4 in the room Aleksandra is in now, can't remember her name but I was told that on many occasions she would hop on the elevator and would never be seen again for a couple of three hours. If you don't think it's been used before the cameras were put in there, then I can't help you!!
  4. Not wanting to take lightly what you said, I believe you don't really know N&B. What I mean by that is that both of them are the ultimate showmen when it comes to RLC. Personally, I think people (whether they want to admit or not) are quite tired of Nelly and Bogdan and don't have the balls to say so. What you must have seen with Nelly & Bogdan was just another show by the two best show people in RLC!! What was Bogdan supposed to do when Nelly came home? Was he supposed to just ignore her because he doesn't like the whole situation? Or...does he get his cake and eat it too? I will never be a believer that the 2.5 hours drive home was for Martina to help Bogdan with anything other than relieving his ball sack!! Anyone on this forum can come up with all kinds of scenarios as to how this is all unfolding but the truth is...nobody knows. I'm just saying that after a long absence, Nelly was obligated to throw down on Bogdan in front of the cameras in lieu of their few fans. Sorry, I don't buy what all you are saying, it's just that I'm not that simple!!
  5. Now, if you will excuse me, i must go feed the chickens and pick up a few sacks of crawfish for a boil this evening. Have a good day!!
  6. The L&M apartment is worse in what way Dr. OZ? The hate I have for the Barcelona apartments would take me a day to explain and quite frankly...I choose not to waste a day explaining it but in short, they are a bunch of show clowns with lots and lots of repeats, enough said about that. How do I know if I don't watch, LMAO that's a funny one there Dr. OZ but contrary to what you might think, I do have a college education and I can read and understand how the whole show works. As for my sources, they are long devoted CC and RLC people and I never said that I don't ask them questions, what I did say is that I don't go out looking for them to help me. One source was a close personal friend of mine until he gave up on RLC just like I knew he would in time. The others approached me and we have gone from there, exchanging dialog with each other. I don't post in the L&M thread and not for the reason's you think. I don't keep up with that thread for one thing and the second thing, they came to me. Yes, it's true there is one person there that is ate up with Leora and he pissed me off with what he did but I have had my say on that, and that's that! Another person on that thread and I have had our disagreements over the years but we understand each other and maintain a good communication relationship because of it. Another reason I don't keep up with their thread is because of all the nonsense like Pulo posting every 5 seconds or others just goofing off....sorry, not interested. Masha.....enough said, never liked her and never will!!!
  7. I don't dabble in the L&M threads because there is no need to. I was never a fan of Leora's and never watched her when she was with Paul. The Barcelona apartments were great when they first started out but now they are a bunch of deceiving, conniving, disrespectful people trying their hardest to put on show after show of nothing but bullshit. You can say what you want about me, I don't give a rats ass but you can not deny the fact that what I say isn't right!!
  8. It's obviously way more about them then it is in front of live cameras!!
  9. Ken, pre-Covid means you see even less of the tenants, they would be gone for hours and hours on end and would leave late at night only to come home the next day around noon or later. The downfall of Covid is that you have to see the same boring ass people for months and months now instead of getting anything fresh to look at. The biggest downfall for the Barcelona apartments/house is Nelly & Bogdan's involvement. They are has been's, they are sneaky, they feel they need to be in the middle of every damn thing, and they (for me) are an eyesore!! The sooner they are kicked out of or leave B4, the better for everyone!! This whole thing between Nelly & Martina will come to a head just like in the soap opera's and if you are into that kind of thing then more power to you!
  10. I would hate to see how spastic you people would be with posting if it really ever did get hot!!
  11. The mistake with that is that people pay to see their real life 24/7 minus all the UM times. Now they are so involved with each other they are at B3 or Luna's old apartment shagging their brains out totally off camera, and before you start in on me, you know exactly that what I and others have said is true....Nelly & Martina are off together out of sight of the cams that all you people pay good money for and I personally think they should be kicked off RLC because of it. You people put up with way too much shit from RLC in my opinion. You can read it on here everyday where these tenants could get away with murder right in front of your eyes. Sad situation if you ask me!! Now I'm ready for all the nobody asked you, smart ass comments!!
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