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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Be our guest or just create your own "Ragnar Loves Radi" topic and post your nonsense there
  2. Who is to say the facade they show on camera is real? Who is to say that they haven't had issues in the past which I know they have? Bogdan is a self absorbed pussy, non prideful kind of person, who let's his wife walk all over him. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Nelly was the first piece of ass Bogdan ever got!! I can't stand the guy or what he stands for as a male!!!
  3. LMAO...another totally thoughtless move on N&B's part!! Worst managers the Barcelona places have ever had IMO. Why in the hell would they break Amalia and Pam up? An empty bed is better than breaking up a couple of good friends...or are they good friends or just good camera friends? I don't believe any of the relationships I read about on RLC anymore....NONE, ZERO, NADA, NILTCH, NYIT, "0".
  4. He's not the only one that witnessed it, if I saved videos you could see for yourself but I don't save videos at all. He knows exactly what he's talking about unlike so many others on here!
  5. It's a damn shame anybody smokes, very disgusting habit indeed!!
  6. Don't worry about him, he thinks he knows everything anyway. I've seen others that thought they knew back in the day and I proved them wrong and only one of them offered an apology.
  7. Save your money, it ain't worth it and most of the posters blow it way out of proportion!!
  8. Because I'm a smart motherfucker!! She did the same thing with Ginger and now that she has hooked Ariana into her outside (high dollar) interests, Radislave doesn't stand a chance unfortunately.
  9. Yes, it's quite enough to cast new girls and hopefully none of them would have a boyfriend in tow!! When I watched RLC I watched it for the girls and don't give a shit about any swinging dicks being around. That's your wish not mine!!
  10. If RLC would stop recycling the trash, then I would probably join again. However, I think I'm pretty safe on just sitting on the sidelines!!
  11. Everybody has there own ideas as to what's happening. You being new, will come up with your own as well.
  12. Hell no I wouldn't watch them because I know it's never going to happen. You yourself already wants Ulyana back and as far as I'm concerned if I never had to hear her name another day in my life I would be totally happy!!
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