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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Fixed it for you! Anyone that talks about being gods gift to the opposite sex...ain't
  2. They must have some really bad water to keep burning out the hot water heaters or Frick and Frack don't know what the hell they're doing when they install them. Once again the Managerial hierarchy has failed.
  3. It's early in the morning and I just finished my second cup of coffee. So, If you will excuse me the toilet facilities are calling my name.
  4. I know right, I mean why do women torture theirselves so bad!
  5. I agree, Rus is a real piece of sh!t and I can't believe Kylie stays with the jerk.
  6. Yeah, Rus and Holly will be all over each other because he can't keep his married hands off other women.
  7. I should have known it would be Child Development visiting Spousal Showboats!
  8. So which office/offices are going to be visiting who? Will it be Operations visiting Finance, Mapping visiting Strategy, Logistics visiting Child Development or Management visiting Performing Arts? What show is in store for the viewers tonight?
  9. The number one question should be: Why and what are they hiding? There is never a reason to put an apartment UM when Bogdan or Fior (the dynamic duo) enter one of the apartments. If they are there to pay the girls, step into the hall. If they are there to deliver supplies, who cares. What is RLC hiding when these unnecessary UM happens?
  10. I asked someone about this after I read that all the girls had left the apartment to possibly go to a club and later Kylie and Rus left some minutes later. I was told that when all the girls left to go to said club, that the only people that didn't go for some minutes was Tata and Rus. I was told that the two (Tata and Rus) talked for a little while, then got dressed, and left together for 30 to 40 minutes before returning and both going into their respected bathrooms to freshen up before leaving again. Is any of this true?
  11. Trump wasn't perfect as none of us are but he was much better than some presidents we've had.
  12. Anyone with a cognitive thought process would would feel the same way. Putin is an evil man!
  13. If she did it in front of other people then I would agree with you. If she did it in private with Rus only, then I would not agree with you. Kylie knows that Rus can't keep his hands to himself with other girls and Kylie is the one responsible for letting this happen. Kylie is the one responsible for that jackass being on RLC in the first place.
  14. Talk about it in the proper thread....there is enough bullshit posted in this thread already
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